Driving Innovation at Fashion Week 2012: Sustainability and Independence

Fashion Week 2012 in New York this past week showed that the latest muse is sustainability, and that this values-driven focus is giving birth to a stronger independent streak as well. Some of us thought it was settled that “sustainable” meant triple bottom line — people, planet, profit. But because the “profit” part gets tricky… Continue reading Driving Innovation at Fashion Week 2012: Sustainability and Independence

The secret weapon in the large-company toolbox

Intrigued by new energy management software, the Utility Accountant by Load IQ, Siemens decided to underwrite a small-scale beta test of it in Germany. Liking what they saw, they opted for another beta test, at 10 times the size of the first one. What’s so appealing? Load IQ’s Utility Accountant enables property or facility managers… Continue reading The secret weapon in the large-company toolbox

Looking for a Job?

Looking for a job? Between 1 and 3 million new U.S. manufacturing jobs are being created in the energy field over the next 5 to 10 years. But before you say “I’m not an engineer,” remember: They hire administrative assistants, marketers, project managers, bookkeepers and finance people too, that is, all levels and skills. This… Continue reading Looking for a Job?