The Passion Test – Interview with Alaina Love

How do you find the job that makes you feel your best?  This can sometimes feel like an unattainable goal but with some advice from Aliana Love you’ll find the inspiration to find it and tips on getting you there.  Aliana Love is president of Purpose Linked Consulting and author of “The Purpose Linked Organization:… Continue reading The Passion Test – Interview with Alaina Love

Seeing Ourselves Through the Detroit Auto Show

Our vehicles are an intimate part of our lives, as family and home wrapped into one. We have love affairs with them, give them names and talk to them, and kick them when they break down and frustrate us. We decide which car to buy based on emotion as much as (if not more than)… Continue reading Seeing Ourselves Through the Detroit Auto Show

A Zero Carbon Footprint Home: Interview with Sheri Koones

How do you get a zero footprint home? What is the biggest barrier to this? Homes and buildings use 40 percent of energy in the US – an astonishing number but author Sheri Koones shows us another way. Her series of books, “Prefabulous” take you into the unlimited possibilities offered by prefabrication to build incredibly… Continue reading A Zero Carbon Footprint Home: Interview with Sheri Koones