Transforming Wind Turbines – Interview with Jennifer Baird

From the ARPA-E Innovation Summit, listen to Joan talk with Jennifer Baird of Accio Energy about their new wind energy technology that is turning the wind power industry on its ear.  A brilliant combination of engineering and physics, this blade-free aerovoltaic wind power is scalable, easily manufactured, and less cost prohibitive to implement. Who came… Continue reading Transforming Wind Turbines – Interview with Jennifer Baird

Go Electric’s Blinkless Technology – Interview with Lisa Laughner

Innovation in the utilities sector is huge right now with lots of moving parts, both literally and figuratively.  How can we prevent another Super Storm Sandy type of power grid overload? Listen to Joan live from the ARPA-E 2014 Innovation Summit, as she talks with Lisa Laughner the CEO, President and Founder of Go Electric… Continue reading Go Electric’s Blinkless Technology – Interview with Lisa Laughner

‘Shark Tank’ winner, Andrea Sreshta

Listen to this exciting interview with recent ‘Shark Tank’ winner, Andrea Sreshta. She and her business partner were awarded $200K from Mark Cuban (and his support) for their product, LuminAID, a solar powered inflatable light. In response to the massive earthquake in Haiti, LuminAID was born out of the need the two saw for one… Continue reading ‘Shark Tank’ winner, Andrea Sreshta

Your Guide to Socially Responsible Investing

Planning your finances for this year? Listen to my interview with the immediate past CEO of Calvert investments, Barbara Krumsiek. In the 17 years at Calvert she has elevated Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) into the mainstream and proved it to be financially viable. Also called Sustainable Responsible Investing, what is the definition and what are… Continue reading Your Guide to Socially Responsible Investing