What’s In Your Food? – Ellie Rubenstein, Manna Tree Partners Investors

Do you know what’s really in your food? Do you know where it comes from (and I don’t mean the market)?
In this enlightening interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson, Gabrielle (Ellie) Rubenstein, entrepreneur and investor like her famous father and self-described “outdoorswoman” like her mother, enlightens us about how our food supply chain really works and how we can make it more transparent and healthier. She’s on a mission….

Adapting to Climate Change – Beth Gibbons, Adaptation Professionals

Local leaders are managing the very real devastation to their communities and economies caused by extreme weather events, while much-needed resources from the federal government are tied up in political wrangling over whether climate change is real.  
The people on the ground dealing with these effects are called “adaptation professionals,” so Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson went to them to find out what’s happening on the ground. Listen to her startling conversation with Beth Gibbons, Executive Director of Adaptation Professionals for great insights on all sides of this life-threatening, economy-threatening, polarizing issue.

Decision Making In 7 Steps – Nardia Haigh, Scenario Planning book author

The only thing certain is uncertainty – in our careers, our businesses, in preparing your community for the impact of climate change, or in our personal lives. So, how do we possibly prepare? Dr. Nardia Haigh suggests using scenario planning, a methodology she described in seven steps to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson in this enlightening interview, that we can apply to any decisions, as she did in her new book, Scenario Planning for Climate Change. She helps her students at the University of Massachusetts Boston apply it to their career decisions too.

“Sustainable” Cleaning Products – Kay Gebhardt, Seventh Generation

“Science can do amazing things and answer questions for us,” she told me, “but then we can use that knowledge to do this in a responsible way or in an irresponsible way….Science is good to have. Then, what are you going to use it for and how do you do it responsibly?” Kay Gebhardt on… Continue reading “Sustainable” Cleaning Products – Kay Gebhardt, Seventh Generation