Gov’t Data Affects Your Life – Olivia Martin,

From government funding allocations to cities and states, or even to schools and communities, to how healthcare is administered and paid for, to how clean our air and water is, to how accountable police, gun owners, courts or immigration officials really are – and especially today in the midst of a pandemic – our lives literally depend upon the accuracy of this data. But try to make sense of it! Enter former CEO Steve Ballmer’s new website to the rescue. Listen to my enlightening interview with Olivia Martin, a data analyst at, to learn about their collection and analysis processes.

Can You Measure Kindness? – Erin Michelson, Summery and Kind Quiz

Can we measure kindness? Take our Green Connections Kind Quiz and listen to this fascinating interview with Erin Michelson, CEO and Founder of Summery, a data analytics company focused on measuring employee kindness and social values, on Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson to find out how they do it. They developed the Kind Quiz to do just that.

Get Certified As A Professional Coach – With Nature!

Are you ready for the New Economy? Are you thinking about becoming a coach – or about getting certified if you are currently a coach? Do you value nature and want to explore a new approach integrating ecopsychology and nature? Our economy has permanently shifted. Fast. What will happen to your career? A new form of coaching is emerging from this paradigm shift called Coaching With Nature. Check out this webinar I did recently about it…

Is Your Office COVID19-Safe? – Rachel Gutter, Int’l Well Building Institute

As we prepare to return to our offices, schools, coworking spaces, and houses of worship, while the coronavirus still swirls around us, there are steps building managers, employers, administrators and employees – each of us – can take to make sure we and our colleagues are safe from COVID-19.
The International Well Building Institute has developed standards and ratings to determine how safe and “healthy” our spaces are, and adapted them with advice from a COVID-19 Task Force of 540+ top experts for the pandemic. To find out about those standards and get practical tips we each use, listen to this enlightening interview with Rachel Gutter, president of the Institute on Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.