Cleaning Industrial Water – Karen Sorber, Micronic Technologies

Our brains are 73% water and our bodies are 60% water, so we literally cannot live without it. But most community water systems suffer from industrial pollution. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Listen to Karen Sorber, Cofounder/CEO of Micronic Technologies describe their innovative chemical-free system for cleaning wastewater on this Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

Aligning Your Money & Values – Kathleen McQuiggan, Artemis Advisors

“I think there’s more that’s happened in probably the past two years in the sustainable and ESG investing space than probably has in the prior 20 years.” Kathleen McQuiggan on Green Connections Radio podcast. “Your money is power,” veteran financial advisor Kathleen McQuggan reminds us, and today more than ever. What if we could invest in ways that support advancing women and protecting the planet, while also earning the financial returns we want and need? Yes, we can. Listen to Kathleen McQuiggan, Wealth Advisor at Artemis Advisors and former head of Pax World’s Global Women’s Index Fund explain how, with ESG investing – for environment, social and governance-focused – and how women are changing the world of money and investing.

Indoor Farming – Jackie Roberts, Appharvest

“A.I has enabled us to get very precise measures and give the plants precisely what the plans need…(So) The yields in our greenhouses are about 30x the traditional farm.” and without any chemicals. Jackie Roberts on Green Connections Radio podcast. What if we could grow produce in a way that was not at the mercy of weather swings or events? A new massive indoor farm called Appharvest thinks they have found a way. Listen to Jackie Roberts, Chief Sustainability Officer of Appharvest describe how their massive 60-acre indoor farm is climate resilient and innovative – and produces yummy produce – in this engaging conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson. Jackie was also awarded the White House Presidential Environment and Conservation Challenge Award.

Who Is ‘Credible’? Women Innovators Are Different

CNN interview with Dr. Katalin Kariko, developer of MRNA, the key to the Pfizer-BioNTech covid vaccine. JOAN MICHELSON, SCREEN SHOT OF CNN STORY

Katalin Karikó began her innovative work on mRNA in the 1970’s but suffered ridicule and repeated rejection for decades. At the University of Pennsylvania in the 1990’s, Karikó’s work to apply mRNA “to fight disease was deemed too radical, too financially risky to fund. She applied for grant after grant, but kept getting rejections, and in 1995, she… Continue reading Who Is ‘Credible’? Women Innovators Are Different