Christine Lagarde On Sexism, Climate Change And The Future Of Work, Post-Covid

Sexism happens regardless of age, status. Even Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank & former IMF head, still experiences it (and there’s ‘sofa-gate’). Lagarde says “not only is it offensive…but it’s a huge waste of opportunity and it’s a huge waste of talent.”Read More

Think About Your Goals For 2021 Differently

This new year is an opportunity to take a whole new perspective on who you want to be in 2021, on your career, and how you want to spend the next 12 months. To develop your 2021 goals, it may be tempting to just grab your 2020 goals, and update them, maybe changing a date… Continue reading Think About Your Goals For 2021 Differently

Greta Thunberg Says U.S. Fossil Fuel Subsidies Are ‘A Disgrace’

Thunberg made her position clear from the start, telling the Committee in her opening remarks that, “It is the year 2021. The fact we are still having this discussion, and even more, that we are still subsidizing fossil fuels directly or indirectly using taxpayer money is a disgrace.”Read More

This Earth Day, The Financial Markets Woke Up To Climate Risk

The first Earth Day may have been in 1970 – 51 years ago – but it seems like the financial markets are just now taking notice. The financial markets took several key steps recently to address climate change risks and help investors, regulators and business leaders report on them. Here are 5.Read More

Being Coachable Is Key To Landing Your Job—Or Investor

If you’ve ever been asked if you’re “coachable” in a job interview it may have made you uncomfortable, but at least they were being upfront. The truth is, most hiring managers (for any level role) are probably sizing up how coachable you are. Here are insights on what they look for.Read More

Best Career Tips To Maximize 2021’s ‘New Normal’—So Far

Picture “what’s in the future for you” – Your vision of your future will evolve over time – like as a result of a pandemic or a new career opportunity – but it’s important to decide what you want your life to look like in 5, 10, 20 years and then start planning for that… Continue reading Best Career Tips To Maximize 2021’s ‘New Normal’—So Far

How Small Companies Can Offer Great Paid-Leave Programs

Without a national paid maternity leave policy, U.S. firms must decide whether to provide paid leave. But for small companies and start-ups, the decision isn’t so easy. With limited funds, offering the benefit can be a struggle, but increasingly, employees are choosing firms that offer the best leave options. But there are ways that small… Continue reading How Small Companies Can Offer Great Paid-Leave Programs

7 Million EVs By 2030, Climate Week – Katie Sloan, Southern Cal Edison

“I’ve never seen as much alignment as there are in electric vehicles today.” Katie Sloan on Green Connections Radio podcast. To commemorate Climate Week 2020, Listen to Katie Sloan, Director of eMobility at Southern California Edison, who is the focal point for electric vehicle adoption in the most populous state in the U.S. and how they plan to achieve their 7 million EVs goal. (This was recorded shortly before the pandemic broke out in the U.S.)

Secret Success of Women in STEM – Ariane Hegewisch, Inst for Women’s Policy Research

“The biggest problem with the official surveys that we rely on a lot… [by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS], is that…the number of women isn’t plentiful enough yet to have enough data on an annual basis to come up with reliable estimates.” Ariane Hegewisch on Green Connections Radio.
There’s a little secret about the pandemic-economic recession that economists are not talking about much: that women in STEM jobs actually did pretty well. Why? Because STEM jobs are what economists call “professional” jobs and they have been in demand and therefore, not cut for the most part. Listen to Ariane Hegewisch, Program Director for Employment and Earnings at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research explain why and how women in STEM fields can benefit in this engaging conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.