Clean Energy Portable Generators? – Connie Stacey, Growing Greener Innovations

“Energy storage kind of cuts across multiple sectors…vehicles, that’s a big one…and quite frankly, to move ahead with a lot of the smart cities initiatives, we have to look at centralizing storage in order to maintain the current grid, because the grid can’t handle increased load…So storage really runs the gambit in touching our lives… Continue reading Clean Energy Portable Generators? – Connie Stacey, Growing Greener Innovations

‘The Role That Women Can Play’ In Energy Today—Tips From Top Women At Deloitte

The pandemic has caused millions of people, especially women, to rethink their careers. It may have been stimulated by all that time working from home, or the shift to remote work opening up opportunities in any location, or homeschooling their kids for months while schools were closed, or the joy they found in hobbies or side… Continue reading ‘The Role That Women Can Play’ In Energy Today—Tips From Top Women At Deloitte

6 Ways Covid Forced Big Oil Into ESG—Helping Women

Big Oil and the traditional energy sector is being forced to transform fast in this post-Covid, new ESG-focused era. Here are 6 ways it’s happening (and a good thing for women), from Kathryn Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy.Read More

A Hidden Recruitment And Retention Tool—Think ESG Investing

If you’re struggling to recruit or retain talent, especially women, diverse talent, or Millennials, you may have a tool in your toolbox that you haven’t used yet. Think ESG-themed investments, for environment, social and governance.Read More

The Energy Industry Does ESG – Katie Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials

“We did see that the industry accelerated its energy transition and many of the companies, during the height of the pandemic, were announcing their zero goals… and announced production cuts going forward over the next decade through automation and looking for opportunities to do this, and the pandemic was certainly an accelerator.”  Katie Pavlovsky, Deloitte… Continue reading The Energy Industry Does ESG – Katie Pavlovsky, Deloitte Energy, Resources & Industrials

6 Ways Covid Made Companies Better, More ESG-Focused

Every company has been disrupted by covid-19 and its economic upheaval. Add climate change, and the racial/gender justice movements, and you have the ESG era, for environment, social and governance. Here are 6 ways companies are adapting that make them better, too from Deloitte’s Kristen Sullivan.Read More

How Companies Do ESG – Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability & Supply Chain Compliance Services

“Companies are really recognizing that this concept of greenwashing, and these bold ambitious assertions that they can’t back up, that’s no longer, that’s not transparency. That is risk, and that exposing an organization to very concrete reputational and other risks….I think it’s all about transparency driving trust, but it has to be credible, it has… Continue reading How Companies Do ESG – Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Sustainability & Supply Chain Compliance Services

What’s Really At The Core Of The Infrastructure Debate

What’s really at the core of the infrastructure debate? It’s each Member’s, Senator’s & President Biden’s perceptions of risk. This is what Michele Wucker, author of “You Are What You Risk” calls their “risk fingerprint.” We each have one driving our choices, she said on my podcast Electric Ladies.Read More

What is ‘Risk’? – Michele Wucker, Author, “You Are What You Risk: The New Science & Art of Navigating an Uncertain World”

“Your risk fingerprint is… a combination of genetic,… your innate personality… It also interacts with other things, your experiences….And lots of social influences, whether it’s within your organization or your country, your culture, your peer group, within your family, and all of those things come together. And they pretty much tell you what it is… Continue reading What is ‘Risk’? – Michele Wucker, Author, “You Are What You Risk: The New Science & Art of Navigating an Uncertain World”