‘Lifestyle Rail’ And Other Lessons From North Carolina’s DOT

“Recognizing that we aren’t being held to the same (commuter) model anymore, we have to be nimble and we have to be flexible,” North Carolina’s Julie White explained. “As a government who has to budget in transportation 2, 3, 4 years out, how do you do that is a great question. Here are her insightsRead… Continue reading ‘Lifestyle Rail’ And Other Lessons From North Carolina’s DOT

Understanding Community Transportation Needs – Julie A.White, NCDOT

“So we went out to the communities and we met with them and said,’ what do you want in your downtown? There’s this rail line that goes through the middle of your downtown. What’s your vision for that?’ And they all said, we think rail is a really big part of our future right now….We’d… Continue reading Understanding Community Transportation Needs – Julie A.White, NCDOT

We Have A Waste Problem – Will ESG And Government Funding Help?

If you feel really good about putting stuff in the recycling bin, you might be depressed to find out that only 5 % of what we recycle is actually recycled, according to the World Economic Forum. The good news is, the ESG reporting push and new government funding can both help find new solutions.Read More

Scaling EV Charging On City Streets, Creatively

83% of the U.S. population lives in urban areas, in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Dallas, etc. most without garages or driveways. Yet, most EV charging funding does not go there. Here’s a way to put EV charging in cities.Read More

Solutions To Our Waste Problem – Melissa Modica, Waste Harmonics

“We’re all doing our part, but the big manufacturers producing the products, we need to go back there. We need to say, how can we do this better?… Clients don’t realize that waste and recycling all contribute to that whole initiative with ESG…” Melissa Modica on Electric Ladies Podcast A fundamental part of any environmental… Continue reading Solutions To Our Waste Problem – Melissa Modica, Waste Harmonics

Calling Female Government Leaders By Their First Names Is Gender Bias

At the World Economic Forum, Zakaria called the women leaders by their first names and the men by their titles. He clearly knew what he was doing, even admitting it. Zakaria is unfortunately not alone, though this a new low. Studies show this pattern is part of the bias that’s holding women back.Read More

How Boards Can Leverage ESG To Navigate Economic Uncertainty And Inflation

“I see a lot of (leaders and board members) really wanting to understand the subject matters, really wanting to build resiliency into the system,” Helle Jorgenson, CEO of Competent Boards said. She delineated the many issues facing boards today & explored how ESG principles can help navigate them.Read More

EV Charging On City Streets – Tiya Gordon, COO, itselectric

“There’s a huge barrier for ev adoption in this country…it’s lack of public charging infrastructure… So, my co-founder and I said, there’s got to be a solution…And it came to us that…why can’t we just make the (apartment) buildings the source of the energy instead of having to put in all this new infrastructure on… Continue reading EV Charging On City Streets – Tiya Gordon, COO, itselectric

ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards

“How do we deal with dilemmas? How do we think unthinkable? You know, the climate, ESG, human rights issues, diversity, equity, inclusion, supply chain issues, cyber security, integrity of data, incentive plans, all of those, the future of good corporate governance, transparency, anti-corruption. All of those different issues that have been there for a long,… Continue reading ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards

The Nuts & Bolts of ESG Software – Karen Alonardo, VP of ESG at NAVEX  

“Who’s my customer, who’s my partner?…Make sure you’re aligning with their ESG programs…Think of ESG as part of your operational DNA. Right. Just keep it as part of how you run your business and just make it more of an integrated component versus kind of the separate thing.” Karen Alonardo on Electric Ladies Podcast If… Continue reading The Nuts & Bolts of ESG Software – Karen Alonardo, VP of ESG at NAVEX