As COP28 Begins, New Studies Find Corporates And Investors Embracing Clean Energy, ESG

As UN climate conference COP28 begins, 85% of investors & companies surveyed by Bloomberg Intelligence plan to boost ESG investment. Boosted by Inflation Reduction Act.Read More

Gaps, Paths & Ownership: Career Advice For Women Aligning Ambition And Values

Are you thinking about your career and planning for next year? Here is career advice for aligning your values and your career from five accomplished women.Read More

Career Advice From 5 Extraordinary ‘Electric Ladies’ Of 2023 – By Listener Demand!

“For me, the key to my career was being clear on what my mission is….I feel so enormously fortunate that I found a president to be able to work for who shares that goal….So I think the lesson in that is either be the leader that you want to believe in, or find that leader… Continue reading Career Advice From 5 Extraordinary ‘Electric Ladies’ Of 2023 – By Listener Demand!

How To Manage Global Crises From 5 Women Who Have Done It

Women know their communities & abusing them has become a weapon of war, so here are insights on managing global crises from 5 women who helped resolve them.Read More

To Communicate In Crisis Align With Employees’ Values, McPherson Says

Companies are being pressured by their employees & customers to take a stand in crises. Here are tips for how leaders should communicate in these crises, like Israel-GazaRead More

Good Corporate Citizenship In A Crisis – Susan McPherson, McPherson Strategies  

“Companies are not just being more strategic about corporate social impact, but are taking on the role of activists themselves. Consumers and employees now expect companies to be vocal and to protect the rights of our people and our planet. CEOs are the voices of companies and can no longer remain neutral and silent as… Continue reading Good Corporate Citizenship In A Crisis – Susan McPherson, McPherson Strategies  

Changing Your Leadership Style – With Maggie Bienaiszewska, Auto Sector Entrepreneur, Women Automotive Network

Małgorzata Bieniaszewska

“The first lesson was do not pretend somebody here know that that was the one when I was trying to dress up like a business woman. But the second one was, which was a really hard one for me, was to understand that we communicate, we have different communication styles, which is, it seems very… Continue reading Changing Your Leadership Style – With Maggie Bienaiszewska, Auto Sector Entrepreneur, Women Automotive Network

It’s A Scary Time And Not Just Because It’s Halloween. Take Care Of Yourself

Ghosts and goblins are not the only thing scary these days — the news can stress us out too. Here are 9 ways to take care of yourself amidst the onslaught of tough news.Read More