Deputy Secretaries Tell DC Auto Show How DOT & Energy Are Fixing EV Chargers, New Funding

There are ~100 EV models, & tax credits to lower the cost. But the biggest hurdle to EV sales is charging. The DOT & Energy Dept. are hustling to fix it, with big bucks.Read More

Advanced Technology Improving Transportation – Michele Mueller, Michigan DOT

“We start to look at the advantages of the technology, and we start to really focus in on where can we go forward? What are the things we’re doing and how do we get there collectively so that it is the industry, and the infrastructure side actually coming together and making those choices and implementing… Continue reading Advanced Technology Improving Transportation – Michele Mueller, Michigan DOT

We Are What We Wear. Women’s Clothing Reflects Shifting Identities, Values

“If you ask women about their clothes, they tell you about their lives,” Delia Ephron said, asking 100 friends about “the stories of their clothes.” What do clothes say?Read More

How ‘Brave Thinking’ Helps Achieve Our Goals – Exclusive Interview With Mary Morrissey

We need a lot of brave thinking in 2024 to address climate change, poverty and war, & our own goals. Here are questions to ask, from renowned author, coach Mary MorrisseyRead More

Mobilize, Measure, Manage ESG – Evelyne Saelens, UL Solutions ESG Advisory Lead

“These climate events, they’re impacting our everyday lives. They’re making the world unsafe…Sometimes it might feel that it’s hard to get to solid, tangible information. It’s hard to know that what you’re doing is meaningful, that it really has an impact. So the, what made it extremely interesting at being able to develop these ESG… Continue reading Mobilize, Measure, Manage ESG – Evelyne Saelens, UL Solutions ESG Advisory Lead

What Is ‘Brave Thinking’? – Mary Morrissey, Renowned Speaker & Advisor, Author of “Brave Thinking: The Art and Science Of Creating A Life You Love”

”Brave thinkers on the other hand, developed the courage to think and live from a vision…They’re not going to let circumstances win. They don’t deny the circumstances or situations, but they don’t let them win. And they’re pulling from something that’s greater than the circumstance, situation, or condition. And there’s a way to hold our… Continue reading What Is ‘Brave Thinking’? – Mary Morrissey, Renowned Speaker & Advisor, Author of “Brave Thinking: The Art and Science Of Creating A Life You Love”

Career Advice Collage Time! Powerful Insights From 5 Extraordinary Women Changemakers in 2023

“Really think about why are you doing what you’re doing, what motivates you?…(and) be extremely opportunistic and don’t be afraid to take risks….(M)ost of my opportunities that I’ve had have come from me putting my hand up, taking a chance, doing something that feels scary and terrifying, but that is aligned to my core goal… Continue reading Career Advice Collage Time! Powerful Insights From 5 Extraordinary Women Changemakers in 2023