Do you want to grow your career? Feel stuck? David Dye, a leadership and career coach who is president of Trailblaze Inc., explains practical things you can do and say at work tomorrow to boost your performance and your career success in this in-depth interview with Green Connections’ host Joan Michelson.
Do you manage a team? What are the words your team needs to hear you say? “We can do it!” is one of them, according to Dye, author of the book “The Seven Things Your Team Needs to Hear You Say”. It may sound obvious but it’s amazing how many managers and leaders do not say these words, and who think fear and intra-team competition drives results (Dye says studies prove that strategy is wrong).
This interview was conducted at the recent annual National Speakers Association 2015 annual conference, appropriately called “Influence.”
Dye discusses important, practical tips for leaders at all career stages, including those who feel invisible in middle management – and addresses candidly the issues that women in particular face in ways that will surprise you….
For more information on David Dye go to Trailblaze