Earth’s Data Speaks – Olivia Martin,

Olivia Martin, USAFacts data scientist

“Really use the information…We hope that it helps you develop opinions… (that help you) vote, contact your representatives…We really hope that this report among others will empower…people and as voters to, to use the data, to hold their government accountable.” Olivia Martin, USAFacts on Electric Ladies Podcast What is the Earth saying this year? We… Continue reading Earth’s Data Speaks – Olivia Martin,

Gov’t Data Affects Your Life – Olivia Martin,

From government funding allocations to cities and states, or even to schools and communities, to how healthcare is administered and paid for, to how clean our air and water is, to how accountable police, gun owners, courts or immigration officials really are – and especially today in the midst of a pandemic – our lives literally depend upon the accuracy of this data. But try to make sense of it! Enter former CEO Steve Ballmer’s new website to the rescue. Listen to my enlightening interview with Olivia Martin, a data analyst at, to learn about their collection and analysis processes.