3 Reasons Why Clean Energy is Here to Stay – Jennifer Granholm, 16th U.S. Secretary of Energy

“Deploy, deploy, deploy. More than half a trillion dollars has been invested in the United States since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill. These laws have made investing in America irresistible. They have made the energy transition inevitable – and inexorable.” Speech by Jennifer Granholm Federal-level developments have delivered… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Clean Energy is Here to Stay – Jennifer Granholm, 16th U.S. Secretary of Energy

Women Leading the Charge for Renewables – Gauri Singh, Deputy Director-General of IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency

“Renewable energy is women-friendly. It has the potential to be customised for every use case, but I don’t think enough has been done. Women have always been both producers and consumers of energy, from gathering firewood to cooking. What’s needed is for women to understand that this is an area where they can make a… Continue reading Women Leading the Charge for Renewables – Gauri Singh, Deputy Director-General of IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency

The Future is Electric – Joan on Full Crew podcast with Matt Bianco and Chris Treanor

Image Credit: Screengrab from Full Crew Podcast

“This is not just an executive order. There is a point behind net zero goals, and this is to address climate change and global warming. A million and a half EVs were sold last year. Infrastructure is still being built. I’d say the train has left the station.” Joan Michelson on Full Crew Podcast The… Continue reading The Future is Electric – Joan on Full Crew podcast with Matt Bianco and Chris Treanor

Putting AI to Work for the Climate – Dr. Stephanie Hare, Researcher, Broadcaster and Author

“Many countries are looking to lead on AI and embed it in as many aspects of our lives as possible. But right now we do not have an electricity grid that is built for this purpose. We also need to think about the fuel needed to power up this grid.” Dr. Stephanie Hare on Electric… Continue reading Putting AI to Work for the Climate – Dr. Stephanie Hare, Researcher, Broadcaster and Author

Can Cities Thrive in a World of Polycrises? – Lauren Sorkin, Co-founder and Executive Director, Resilient Cities Network

“Resilience is a team sport. You cannot build resilience in insolation. I cannot emphasize how important multi sector action and teamwork is. So let’s understand that and work together.”  Lauren Sorkin on Electric Ladies Podcast To kick off the first interview of 2025, we’re diving into a topic that affects us all: Can the cities… Continue reading Can Cities Thrive in a World of Polycrises? – Lauren Sorkin, Co-founder and Executive Director, Resilient Cities Network

Connecting with Curiosity – Jennifer Hough, Author & TEDx Speaker

“If you want to get something done in this world that transcends what’s already happening, you have to be willing to listen to the people that are trying to hold dearly to how it has been. Become a master bridge builder. Be committed to asking questions such that you understand where the commonality is. Find… Continue reading Connecting with Curiosity – Jennifer Hough, Author & TEDx Speaker

The Future Of The Energy Transition, Grid – Joan Moderating ICWS Webinar With Energy Leaders 

“Today we are talking about accelerating the clean energy transition, including government policy, lowering costs, and decarbonization…The new 2024 Energy Fact book (by BCSE & BNEF)… found that the energy transition is in full swing with ‘record breaking’ public and private sector investments in clean power and renewable energies showing cost competitiveness even without government… Continue reading The Future Of The Energy Transition, Grid – Joan Moderating ICWS Webinar With Energy Leaders 

Buying Sustainable Fashion at the UN – Joan Moderates Climate Week

“Women make up 80% or more of the garment industry workers. Women garment workers make meager wages and work excessive working hours, 14 to 16 hours a day…Fashion is ranked as the second most polluting business in the world by the UN, 7% of the landfill is garments. The garment industry emits 8 to 10%… Continue reading Buying Sustainable Fashion at the UN – Joan Moderates Climate Week

Scaling Donations – Kate Williams, 1% For The Planet

“1% for the planet is really set up as a way to sort of break it down, and create a pathway to action that kind of gets us through the overwhelm. So, the way it works is that we have businesses who are our members, and they’re actually supporting environmental partners at the level of… Continue reading Scaling Donations – Kate Williams, 1% For The Planet

Converting CO2 To Useful Energy – Bjork Kristjansdottir, Carbon Recycling International

“Carbon Recycling International was founded around the idea of taking something which was waste, like CO2 and turning it into some valuable product…(Today they are) converting CO2 into sustainable methanol…(W)e have technology, which takes CO2 as a waste, and it takes hydrogen and turns it into methanol…and it is used today both like into chemicals.… Continue reading Converting CO2 To Useful Energy – Bjork Kristjansdottir, Carbon Recycling International