Ensuring Electricity With Long Duration Storage – Julia Souder, Long Duration Energy Storage Council

Ensuring Electricity With Long Duration Storage – Julia Souder, Long Duration Energy Storage Council “We look at how long sharing storage can really fill in the gaps when you don’t have wind and solar 24 /7. ….(There are) four families of long sharing storage.….different ways you can store for multiple hours, days, and seasons. This… Continue reading Ensuring Electricity With Long Duration Storage – Julia Souder, Long Duration Energy Storage Council

Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

“We like to break (the tax credits) down by industries and audiences…On the industry side, we have energy efficiency, energy generation, manufacturing, vehicles, fuels, and carbon capture. Now, overlaying all of those are a handful of cross crosscutting bonuses and requirements that can greatly affect, in many cases, increase the amount of the underlying tax… Continue reading Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

Wave Energy & Second Chances – Inna Braverman, Eco Wave Power

“I went for wave energy just because I saw a field that has huge demand, that has huge potential for positive impact on the world, and that nobody’s succeeding in. So, that kind of was for me, I don’t know, maybe a feeling of destiny here. I got a second chance in life and maybe… Continue reading Wave Energy & Second Chances – Inna Braverman, Eco Wave Power

Transforming Our Energy System – Vanessa Chan, U.S. Dept of Energy

“The theme across all of this, this clean energy transition, it is private sector led, but government enabled. So, we as a government are trying to enable the private sector to move faster so we can meet our very ambitious goal, which includes a 50% reduction from 2005 levels of greenhouse gas pollution by 2030…… Continue reading Transforming Our Energy System – Vanessa Chan, U.S. Dept of Energy

Circular Economy Business Models in Iceland – Birta Kristin Helgadottir

“I think now, business models will have to somehow rely more on collaboration rather than competition, So, I think, and maybe, naively hope, (this) will be the future of business models…We’ve harnessed geothermal power for ages, and then we decided we needed to… harness the effluent stream, the excess material that comes from, for example,… Continue reading Circular Economy Business Models in Iceland – Birta Kristin Helgadottir

Is Iceland A Pilot For 100% Renewable Energy? – Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority

Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director=General, National Energy Authority, Iceland

Iceland runs on 85% renewable energy. How did they get there? “My favorite part of Iceland’s renewable energy story is that it started small. It started with innovation, entrepreneurship. In terms of how has this developed, originally organically and then supported by the government and by policies and funding, which is essential for any development.”… Continue reading Is Iceland A Pilot For 100% Renewable Energy? – Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority

‘The Role That Women Can Play’ In Energy Today—Tips From Top Women At Deloitte

The pandemic has caused millions of people, especially women, to rethink their careers. It may have been stimulated by all that time working from home, or the shift to remote work opening up opportunities in any location, or homeschooling their kids for months while schools were closed, or the joy they found in hobbies or side… Continue reading ‘The Role That Women Can Play’ In Energy Today—Tips From Top Women At Deloitte

Creative Community Solar Financing – Laura Pagliarulo, SolaREIT

“SolaREIT works with a lot of community solar developers. When a landowner wants to tie up their land or farm their land for solar for a community project, we can come in and be the land financing solution.” Laura Pagliarulo on Electric Ladies Podcast As more communities want solar, and don’t have access to their… Continue reading Creative Community Solar Financing – Laura Pagliarulo, SolaREIT

Disruptive Innovation in Energy – Jennifer Gerbi, ARPA-E

“There’s this amazing thing that we think should happen, which is right now physically impossible. That’s fine. Let’s talk about that. Let’s dig down to the technical gap that needs to be filled to enable that new disruptive pathway to start.” To truly address climate change, we need to pivot to a zero-carbon economy, and… Continue reading Disruptive Innovation in Energy – Jennifer Gerbi, ARPA-E

Largest Energy Consumer Goes “Net Zero” – Secretary Katherine Hammack, U.S. Army

Did you know that the U.S. Dept. of Defense is the largest energy consumer on the planet and the Army is the largest one in the federal government? The Army’s Net Zero Initiative’s goal is to reduce its total energy and water use to “net zero,” and to reduce waste in landfills to net zero… Continue reading Largest Energy Consumer Goes “Net Zero” – Secretary Katherine Hammack, U.S. Army