Financial Opportunities For Climate, Energy – Heather Boushey, White House Council of Economic Advisors & Chief Economist of Invest in America Cabinet

“Much of our infrastructure isn’t built to withstand certain kinds of flooding or certain levels of heat. And yet, as the climate changes, so many of the things… that we did know in a world with a stable climate, those are now being upended. And all of that affects costs fundamentally… So, we need to… Continue reading Financial Opportunities For Climate, Energy – Heather Boushey, White House Council of Economic Advisors & Chief Economist of Invest in America Cabinet

Creative Community Solar Financing – Laura Pagliarulo, SolaREIT

“SolaREIT works with a lot of community solar developers. When a landowner wants to tie up their land or farm their land for solar for a community project, we can come in and be the land financing solution.” Laura Pagliarulo on Electric Ladies Podcast As more communities want solar, and don’t have access to their… Continue reading Creative Community Solar Financing – Laura Pagliarulo, SolaREIT