Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC

“Sustainable fashion has … given us more permission to wear our values, to choose what reflects our personalities and our values…We have a lot more choices. We have a lot more agency, we have a lot more resources and authority and influence…We can choose to make our impressions the way that we want to…Think about… Continue reading Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC

Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

“Women often have far more skills than their resumes translate into. And actually we’re going into a good period now where I think employers and organizations are looking for the skillset that you have more than the job titles that you have. And that’s good for women because we have a lot of skills that… Continue reading Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

“There are those individual actions that we can take. But if I can work with my community or work inside of my company, or if I can work inside of my house of worship and we can build some community and some action that way, it will have a much bigger impact than anything that… Continue reading Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

“The economic information on clean energy is amazing…We’re decades deep in it now, where you’re seeing the cost competitiveness of renewable technologies on an unsubsidized basis…We can do this. We can grow the economy and we can use more clean energy.” Lisa Jacobson on Electric Ladies Podcast The facts in the new Sustainable Energy 2024… Continue reading Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Financial Support For Exporting, Trade – Judith Pryor, Export Import Bank of U.S.

“We help anyone in the United States who wants to sell their good or service overseas through short, medium, and long-term financing tools for international buyers. It’s usually medium term and long term. We provide foreign buyers with the ability to purchase U.S. goods and services. So we’re debt financiers to buyers of American goods… Continue reading Financial Support For Exporting, Trade – Judith Pryor, Export Import Bank of U.S.

SEC Climate Rules Unlock Business Value – Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Audit, Sustainability

“Regulation can really be a catalyst for transformation, for business transformation, because this is so much more than a disclosure and compliance exercise. “When you think about the mechanisms, the infrastructure, the data that will emerge from instituting more discipline and rigor around these disclosure objectives, (it) is absolutely critical to surface more timely where… Continue reading SEC Climate Rules Unlock Business Value – Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Audit, Sustainability

Transforming America’s Transportation System – Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary, US DOT

“We have on our website what’s called the DOT Navigator. Sounds wonky, but go take a look. It is a wealth of information about all our grant programs, and you can answer a series of questions and it can help point you in the right direction. We also have a team of folks here who… Continue reading Transforming America’s Transportation System – Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary, US DOT

Women Voters, Climate & This Critical 2024 Election

“Women are very worried about these (extreme weather) events, and they’re the ones that really worry about the impact on communities.…They want to leave a better country for their children…They will say that climate change is something that really is on my agenda more because my children talk to me about it and they listen… Continue reading Women Voters, Climate & This Critical 2024 Election

Reducing IT’s Carbon Footprint – Monica Batchelder, Chief Sustainability Officer, HPE

“During the pandemic, a lot of companies underwent digital transformations…At the same time that that was happening, sustainability was really catching wind, particularly in places like Europe.… (I)f you are a non-manufacturing company, your largest source of operational emissions is probably your IT. So…CIOs now have these mandates trickling down from their CEO or whomever… Continue reading Reducing IT’s Carbon Footprint – Monica Batchelder, Chief Sustainability Officer, HPE

The Future of Sustainability & ESG – Joan on “Doing Sustainability” Podcast With Gary Baker

“Corporate America has a very important role to play in this transition. They have the resources, they have the talent, and they are being nudged by their customers, their employees, even their suppliers, their investors, and obviously regulators to do this work. They know it’s the right thing to do…Just as a quick thing to… Continue reading The Future of Sustainability & ESG – Joan on “Doing Sustainability” Podcast With Gary Baker