3 Reasons Why Clean Energy is Here to Stay – Jennifer Granholm, 16th U.S. Secretary of Energy

“Deploy, deploy, deploy. More than half a trillion dollars has been invested in the United States since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill. These laws have made investing in America irresistible. They have made the energy transition inevitable – and inexorable.” Speech by Jennifer Granholm Federal-level developments have delivered… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Clean Energy is Here to Stay – Jennifer Granholm, 16th U.S. Secretary of Energy

Women Leading the Charge for Renewables – Gauri Singh, Deputy Director-General of IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency

“Renewable energy is women-friendly. It has the potential to be customised for every use case, but I don’t think enough has been done. Women have always been both producers and consumers of energy, from gathering firewood to cooking. What’s needed is for women to understand that this is an area where they can make a… Continue reading Women Leading the Charge for Renewables – Gauri Singh, Deputy Director-General of IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency

The Future Of The Energy Transition, Grid – Joan Moderating ICWS Webinar With Energy Leaders 

“Today we are talking about accelerating the clean energy transition, including government policy, lowering costs, and decarbonization…The new 2024 Energy Fact book (by BCSE & BNEF)… found that the energy transition is in full swing with ‘record breaking’ public and private sector investments in clean power and renewable energies showing cost competitiveness even without government… Continue reading The Future Of The Energy Transition, Grid – Joan Moderating ICWS Webinar With Energy Leaders 

Energy Efficiency Savings & Opportunities – Paula Glover, CEO of the Alliance To Save Energy

Paula Glover, Alliance To Save Energy

“Energy efficiency…is doing more, using less. The megawatt not used is the cheapest megawatt and there’s so many things, either by using technology, old technology like insulation or digitalization, that allows us to really stretch what we can get out every single megawatt ,a kilowatt electron that we use. And so that’s what we’re talking… Continue reading Energy Efficiency Savings & Opportunities – Paula Glover, CEO of the Alliance To Save Energy

Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

“The economic information on clean energy is amazing…We’re decades deep in it now, where you’re seeing the cost competitiveness of renewable technologies on an unsubsidized basis…We can do this. We can grow the economy and we can use more clean energy.” Lisa Jacobson on Electric Ladies Podcast The facts in the new Sustainable Energy 2024… Continue reading Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance