Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

“We like to break (the tax credits) down by industries and audiences…On the industry side, we have energy efficiency, energy generation, manufacturing, vehicles, fuels, and carbon capture. Now, overlaying all of those are a handful of cross crosscutting bonuses and requirements that can greatly affect, in many cases, increase the amount of the underlying tax… Continue reading Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

“The economic information on clean energy is amazing…We’re decades deep in it now, where you’re seeing the cost competitiveness of renewable technologies on an unsubsidized basis…We can do this. We can grow the economy and we can use more clean energy.” Lisa Jacobson on Electric Ladies Podcast The facts in the new Sustainable Energy 2024… Continue reading Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Transforming America’s Transportation System – Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary, US DOT

“We have on our website what’s called the DOT Navigator. Sounds wonky, but go take a look. It is a wealth of information about all our grant programs, and you can answer a series of questions and it can help point you in the right direction. We also have a team of folks here who… Continue reading Transforming America’s Transportation System – Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary, US DOT

Advanced Technology Improving Transportation – Michele Mueller, Michigan DOT

“We start to look at the advantages of the technology, and we start to really focus in on where can we go forward? What are the things we’re doing and how do we get there collectively so that it is the industry, and the infrastructure side actually coming together and making those choices and implementing… Continue reading Advanced Technology Improving Transportation – Michele Mueller, Michigan DOT

Understanding Community Transportation Needs – Julie A.White, NCDOT

“So we went out to the communities and we met with them and said,’ what do you want in your downtown? There’s this rail line that goes through the middle of your downtown. What’s your vision for that?’ And they all said, we think rail is a really big part of our future right now….We’d… Continue reading Understanding Community Transportation Needs – Julie A.White, NCDOT

EV Charging On City Streets – Tiya Gordon, COO, itselectric

“There’s a huge barrier for ev adoption in this country…it’s lack of public charging infrastructure… So, my co-founder and I said, there’s got to be a solution…And it came to us that…why can’t we just make the (apartment) buildings the source of the energy instead of having to put in all this new infrastructure on… Continue reading EV Charging On City Streets – Tiya Gordon, COO, itselectric

Can Big Companies Innovate Electric Vehicles? – Sue Ozdemir, Exro Technologies, CEO

Sue Ozdemir, Exro Technologies CEO

“Part of our culture, a core value, we call it disciplined innovation. So, innovation that leads to execution is our goal. It’s a lot of fun to be able to spitball together different ideas…But then to kind of boil that down and say ‘what makes a great business model? What also helps real people in… Continue reading Can Big Companies Innovate Electric Vehicles? – Sue Ozdemir, Exro Technologies, CEO

Clean Energy Portable Generators? – Connie Stacey, Growing Greener Innovations

“Energy storage kind of cuts across multiple sectors…vehicles, that’s a big one…and quite frankly, to move ahead with a lot of the smart cities initiatives, we have to look at centralizing storage in order to maintain the current grid, because the grid can’t handle increased load…So storage really runs the gambit in touching our lives… Continue reading Clean Energy Portable Generators? – Connie Stacey, Growing Greener Innovations

Fuel Cell Cars & Trucks – Jackie Birdsall, Toyota

Many voices are talking about how we need to rebuild the post-pandemic economy to also make us more resilient to the ravages of climate change.  Ramping up adoption of electric vehicles is always in those conversations, especially battery-powered ones. But not there are hydrogen fuel cell EVs too. Listen to Jackie Birdsall, Senior Engineer of these vehicles at Toyota explain how they work and much more, with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.

Electric Vehicle Obstacles – Bonnie Datta, Siemens Regulatory Affairs & Market Development

“It’s going to happen, It’s not so much a matter of ‘if’ it’s going to happen, but ‘when.’ But we need a strategic roadmap and a policy framework….EVs are one of the most complex systems, just because it cuts across multiple stakeholders.” Bonnie Datta on Electric Ladies podcast. There’s a lot of buzz around electric… Continue reading Electric Vehicle Obstacles – Bonnie Datta, Siemens Regulatory Affairs & Market Development