Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

“We like to break (the tax credits) down by industries and audiences…On the industry side, we have energy efficiency, energy generation, manufacturing, vehicles, fuels, and carbon capture. Now, overlaying all of those are a handful of cross crosscutting bonuses and requirements that can greatly affect, in many cases, increase the amount of the underlying tax… Continue reading Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

How GM Is Going All Electric – Kristen Siemen, Chief Sustainability Officer, General Motors

“We’ll have over 50% of our facilities producing EVs here in the U.S. by 2025. We’ve announced four battery plants here in the U.S., a number of supply chain agreements, again, to really get those critical minerals happening here. So, so really excited to see where this, this is going to take us.” Kristen Siemen… Continue reading How GM Is Going All Electric – Kristen Siemen, Chief Sustainability Officer, General Motors

Congress & Small Business & Clean Energy – Lynn Abramson, Clean Energy Business Network

Congress is back in session and about to negotiate the draconian cuts to environmental, clean energy and climate change-related government funding — and having to do so on the heels of the direct experience of the impact of climate change through the ferocity of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. The very programs they are looking to… Continue reading Congress & Small Business & Clean Energy – Lynn Abramson, Clean Energy Business Network