Buying Sustainable Fashion at the UN – Joan Moderates Climate Week

“Women make up 80% or more of the garment industry workers. Women garment workers make meager wages and work excessive working hours, 14 to 16 hours a day…Fashion is ranked as the second most polluting business in the world by the UN, 7% of the landfill is garments. The garment industry emits 8 to 10%… Continue reading Buying Sustainable Fashion at the UN – Joan Moderates Climate Week

“Seek First To Understand” – Jennifer Hough, Author, TEDx Speaker & Advisor on Talking About Climate Change

“If you want to get something done in this world that transcends what’s already happening, if you want to be a pioneer or a leader and make something new out of what has been…then you have to be willing to listen to the people that are trying to hold dearly to how it has been… Continue reading “Seek First To Understand” – Jennifer Hough, Author, TEDx Speaker & Advisor on Talking About Climate Change

Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC

“Sustainable fashion has … given us more permission to wear our values, to choose what reflects our personalities and our values…We have a lot more choices. We have a lot more agency, we have a lot more resources and authority and influence…We can choose to make our impressions the way that we want to…Think about… Continue reading Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC

Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

“There are those individual actions that we can take. But if I can work with my community or work inside of my company, or if I can work inside of my house of worship and we can build some community and some action that way, it will have a much bigger impact than anything that… Continue reading Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

Music, Public Health & Climate Action – Emma O’Brien, Ph.D., Global Scrub Choir

“The link for us with (the WHO) is about universal health coverage and the sustainable development goal number three, which obviously the WHO places in the middle of the wheel of all the sustainable development goals. But on top and behind and with each other is climate action. We cannot have one without the other.… Continue reading Music, Public Health & Climate Action – Emma O’Brien, Ph.D., Global Scrub Choir

What Is ‘Brave Thinking’? – Mary Morrissey, Renowned Speaker & Advisor, Author of “Brave Thinking: The Art and Science Of Creating A Life You Love”

”Brave thinkers on the other hand, developed the courage to think and live from a vision…They’re not going to let circumstances win. They don’t deny the circumstances or situations, but they don’t let them win. And they’re pulling from something that’s greater than the circumstance, situation, or condition. And there’s a way to hold our… Continue reading What Is ‘Brave Thinking’? – Mary Morrissey, Renowned Speaker & Advisor, Author of “Brave Thinking: The Art and Science Of Creating A Life You Love”

A Biography of Carbon! – Daniella Ortega, Director of “Carbon: An Unauthorized Biography”

“What surprised me was actually how profound, how deep I managed to have this relationship with carbon. Like, because in the end, I found, through the writing and embodying carbon for so long, I found the connections, the  entanglement of carbon across so many aspects of all our lives so illuminating, so surprising. Sometimes I… Continue reading A Biography of Carbon! – Daniella Ortega, Director of “Carbon: An Unauthorized Biography”

How Do We Talk About The Climate? – Jill Tidman, The Redford Center

“When we’re searching for projects to invest in and support, we’re really trying to make sure that it’s a story that has kind of a balanced narrative. It’s not about just talking about what we can do and how we’re, how we’re winning. It’s really making sure that we understand what’s at stake and what… Continue reading How Do We Talk About The Climate? – Jill Tidman, The Redford Center

Philanthro-Activism At Work – Justin Winters, One Earth

“We’re in this moment right now where we have a very short window to drive the type of transformative change that’s necessary to solve a climate crisis. And we believe at One Earth that philanthropy can play a really, really critical role in actually making this transformation possible….But less than 2% of all philanthropic capital… Continue reading Philanthro-Activism At Work – Justin Winters, One Earth

Climate & Culture – Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, Artists & Climate Initiative

“For anything to happen on a grand scale, we need to have culture supported… Artists are good at planting these seeds, putting the stories out there and for anybody. The key is repetition. So, if you encounter a certain story, certain type of story in the music you listen to, in the articles that you… Continue reading Climate & Culture – Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, Artists & Climate Initiative