Converting CO2 To Useful Energy – Bjork Kristjansdottir, Carbon Recycling International

“Carbon Recycling International was founded around the idea of taking something which was waste, like CO2 and turning it into some valuable product…(Today they are) converting CO2 into sustainable methanol…(W)e have technology, which takes CO2 as a waste, and it takes hydrogen and turns it into methanol…and it is used today both like into chemicals.… Continue reading Converting CO2 To Useful Energy – Bjork Kristjansdottir, Carbon Recycling International

Mobilize, Measure, Manage ESG – Evelyne Saelens, UL Solutions ESG Advisory Lead

“These climate events, they’re impacting our everyday lives. They’re making the world unsafe…Sometimes it might feel that it’s hard to get to solid, tangible information. It’s hard to know that what you’re doing is meaningful, that it really has an impact. So the, what made it extremely interesting at being able to develop these ESG… Continue reading Mobilize, Measure, Manage ESG – Evelyne Saelens, UL Solutions ESG Advisory Lead

A Biography of Carbon! – Daniella Ortega, Director of “Carbon: An Unauthorized Biography”

“What surprised me was actually how profound, how deep I managed to have this relationship with carbon. Like, because in the end, I found, through the writing and embodying carbon for so long, I found the connections, the  entanglement of carbon across so many aspects of all our lives so illuminating, so surprising. Sometimes I… Continue reading A Biography of Carbon! – Daniella Ortega, Director of “Carbon: An Unauthorized Biography”

Professional Eco-Vets – with Erica Courtney of 2020Vets

“How is what you’re doing affecting your community?” Erica Courtney Applying lessons learned doing logistics as a combat officer in the U.S. Army, Erica Courtney is helping companies reduce their energy and water use to also become more efficient overall. And she does it with a team of vets. Listen to Erica’s engaging conversation with… Continue reading Professional Eco-Vets – with Erica Courtney of 2020Vets