Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC

“Sustainable fashion has … given us more permission to wear our values, to choose what reflects our personalities and our values…We have a lot more choices. We have a lot more agency, we have a lot more resources and authority and influence…We can choose to make our impressions the way that we want to…Think about… Continue reading Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC

Making Lost Communities Resilient – Jacqui Patterson, The Chisholm Legacy Project

“We are a resource hub in that we engage with individuals, organizations, and communities who are on the front lines of climate injustice and ensure that they have, they know what informational, technical, financial, strategic resources are out there to strengthen their work…So that’s everything from developing research reports to help folks to have the… Continue reading Making Lost Communities Resilient – Jacqui Patterson, The Chisholm Legacy Project

Using Landscapes To Combat Climate Change – Pamela Conrad, Landscape Architect, Climate Positive Design

“Landscape architecture involves the planning, design, management, and nurturing of the exterior built and natural environments. So, landscape architects is a professional degree and…we design places like parks and campuses, streetscapes trails, plazas, residences, and other projects that strengthen communities. And … our work also involves increasing resilience to climate impacts and drawing down carbon… Continue reading Using Landscapes To Combat Climate Change – Pamela Conrad, Landscape Architect, Climate Positive Design

Empowering Rural Women Through Climate Solutions – Rosemary Atieno, Women Climate Centers International

Rosemary Ateno, WCCI, COMPE

“The question is, why are we having less food?…Why are we having too much floods? Why is the drought becoming too much? What can I do? Because I have no other source of energy. I only have firewood. And this means I have to cut down trees for me to get fire. So, what is… Continue reading Empowering Rural Women Through Climate Solutions – Rosemary Atieno, Women Climate Centers International

Cleaning Industrial Water – Karen Sorber, Micronic Technologies

Our brains are 73% water and our bodies are 60% water, so we literally cannot live without it. But most community water systems suffer from industrial pollution. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Listen to Karen Sorber, Cofounder/CEO of Micronic Technologies describe their innovative chemical-free system for cleaning wastewater on this Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

Flint Water Unresolved – Talia Buford, Journalist, ProPublica

“(People in Flint) are living in…a war zone…it’s not America. You’re constantly on guard…and feel invisible,” Tali Buford on Electric Ladies Podcast We were all outraged by the poisoning of small children, as well as adults, in Flint, Michigan as a result of lead in the city’s water. It may have fallen off the national… Continue reading Flint Water Unresolved – Talia Buford, Journalist, ProPublica

Water Pollution & Justice – Actress & Activist Gloria Reuben

“When you talk about pollution of the waterways, that goes very much to industries, like fossil fuels of course, like factory farming, like businesses or corporations that are allowed to just dump their waste or by-product of making things, manufacturing, into the waterways, when there’s no regulation, then clearly, then people can just do what they want to without any consequences.” Gloria Reuben on Green Connections Radio podcast. .One organization has been holding polluters accountable for decades — the Waterkeepers Alliance — and now they have a new leader who brings starpower as well as commitment to advocacy and justice. Gloria Reuben, actress and environmental activist is their new President. Listen to Gloria explain their impact in this engaging conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson, commemorating Black history Month.

Cleaning Industrial Water – Karen Sorber, Micronic Technologies

Our brains are 73% water and our bodies are 60% water, so we literally cannot live without it. But most community water systems suffer from industrial pollution. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Listen to Karen Sorber, Cofounder/CEO of Micronic Technologies describe their innovative chemical-free system for cleaning wastewater on this Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

Water Pollution & Justice – Actress & Activist Gloria Reuben

“When you talk about pollution of the waterways, that goes very much to industries, like fossil fuels of course, like factory farming, like businesses or corporations that are allowed to just dump their waste or by-product of making things, manufacturing, into the waterways, when there’s no regulation, then clearly, then people can just do what they want to without any consequences.” Gloria Reuben on Green Connections Radio podcast. .One organization has been holding polluters accountable for decades — the Waterkeepers Alliance — and now they have a new leader who brings starpower as well as commitment to advocacy and justice. Gloria Reuben, actress and environmental activist is their new President. Listen to Gloria explain their impact in this engaging conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson, commemorating Black history Month.

Flint Water Community Organizer Lee-Anne Walters, Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize 2018

“It worked really well with everyone concentrating on their area of strength.” Lee-Anne Walters How to Fight for Your Community – Lessons from the Flint Fight for Clean Water What would you do if your water came out of the tap brown? Listen to the courageous and tenacious Lee-Anne Walters, one of the main community… Continue reading Flint Water Community Organizer Lee-Anne Walters, Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize 2018