Listening Between the Lines – Takeaways From Awardees: PwC, Lockheed, UN Foundation, DBL Investors

“Nothing has ever been achieved by the person who says it can’t be done.” Eleanor Roosevelt Listening between the lines to the awardees at two recent nonprofit galas, it is clear that having the moxie to do things completely differently can drive powerful results  – and an invigorating career.  Earth Day Network advocates for and… Continue reading Listening Between the Lines – Takeaways From Awardees: PwC, Lockheed, UN Foundation, DBL Investors

Flint Water Community Organizer Lee-Anne Walters, Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize 2018

“It worked really well with everyone concentrating on their area of strength.” Lee-Anne Walters How to Fight for Your Community – Lessons from the Flint Fight for Clean Water What would you do if your water came out of the tap brown? Listen to the courageous and tenacious Lee-Anne Walters, one of the main community… Continue reading Flint Water Community Organizer Lee-Anne Walters, Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize 2018