“If you want to get something done in this world that transcends what’s already happening, if you want to be a pioneer or a leader and make something new out of what has been…then you have to be willing to listen to the people that are trying to hold dearly to how it has been… Continue reading “Seek First To Understand” – Jennifer Hough, Author, TEDx Speaker & Advisor on Talking About Climate Change
Category: Marketing & Branding
Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC
“Sustainable fashion has … given us more permission to wear our values, to choose what reflects our personalities and our values…We have a lot more choices. We have a lot more agency, we have a lot more resources and authority and influence…We can choose to make our impressions the way that we want to…Think about… Continue reading Performing Our Femininity & Values – Joan Michelson Speaks At Parlay House DC
Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative
“There are those individual actions that we can take. But if I can work with my community or work inside of my company, or if I can work inside of my house of worship and we can build some community and some action that way, it will have a much bigger impact than anything that… Continue reading Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative
The Future of Sustainability & ESG – Joan on “Doing Sustainability” Podcast With Gary Baker
“Corporate America has a very important role to play in this transition. They have the resources, they have the talent, and they are being nudged by their customers, their employees, even their suppliers, their investors, and obviously regulators to do this work. They know it’s the right thing to do…Just as a quick thing to… Continue reading The Future of Sustainability & ESG – Joan on “Doing Sustainability” Podcast With Gary Baker
Career Advice From 5 Extraordinary ‘Electric Ladies’ Of 2023 – By Listener Demand!
“For me, the key to my career was being clear on what my mission is….I feel so enormously fortunate that I found a president to be able to work for who shares that goal….So I think the lesson in that is either be the leader that you want to believe in, or find that leader… Continue reading Career Advice From 5 Extraordinary ‘Electric Ladies’ Of 2023 – By Listener Demand!
How Do We Talk About The Climate? – Jill Tidman, The Redford Center
“When we’re searching for projects to invest in and support, we’re really trying to make sure that it’s a story that has kind of a balanced narrative. It’s not about just talking about what we can do and how we’re, how we’re winning. It’s really making sure that we understand what’s at stake and what… Continue reading How Do We Talk About The Climate? – Jill Tidman, The Redford Center
Climate & Culture – Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, Artists & Climate Initiative
“For anything to happen on a grand scale, we need to have culture supported… Artists are good at planting these seeds, putting the stories out there and for anybody. The key is repetition. So, if you encounter a certain story, certain type of story in the music you listen to, in the articles that you… Continue reading Climate & Culture – Sandra Bargman & Chantal Bilodeau, Artists & Climate Initiative
Sustainable Fashion 2.0 – Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign
“The fashion industry is a supply chain….but the reality is it’s a human chain. Nothing is made that we wear that does not go through many human hands. And so really for me, the environmental aspects are extremely important. But.. it’s really about brands being more open about their supply chain. And, specifically, when there… Continue reading Sustainable Fashion 2.0 – Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign
“Ecosystem of Social Good” – Rachel Hutchisson, Blackbaud
“This idea of ‘voice and choice’ is, ask me what I think and then listen to what I have to say and then give me a choice as to how I can participate. Don’t forget that I’m an individual…That’s a really big trend.”
Rachel Hutchisson on Green Connections Radio
Do you volunteer at a nonprofit, or donate to one? Does your employer even know what causes align with you? More and more employers are realizing that it’s important to offer ways their employees can give back. Listen to Rachel Hutchisson of Blackbaud describe how to create “an ecosystem of social good” for employees tailored to your team, in this enlightening interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.
“Change, adapt or die.” former Kodak CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett on business disruption
“Change, adapt or die.” In this conversation with Green Connections host Joan Michelson, author Jeffrey Hayzlett encourages audiences to “own who you are,” to “think big, act bigger” (the title of his new book), and to listen….carefully… But how do you “act big” when you don’t have the money? How do you know when to… Continue reading “Change, adapt or die.” former Kodak CMO Jeffrey Hayzlett on business disruption