Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

“There are those individual actions that we can take. But if I can work with my community or work inside of my company, or if I can work inside of my house of worship and we can build some community and some action that way, it will have a much bigger impact than anything that… Continue reading Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

How Do We Talk About The Climate? – Jill Tidman, The Redford Center

“When we’re searching for projects to invest in and support, we’re really trying to make sure that it’s a story that has kind of a balanced narrative. It’s not about just talking about what we can do and how we’re, how we’re winning. It’s really making sure that we understand what’s at stake and what… Continue reading How Do We Talk About The Climate? – Jill Tidman, The Redford Center

Inspiring Eco-Filmmaker – Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

“If you want to be a good storyteller, tell stories you want to tell…It’s really about the passion.” Dayna Reggero  She’s been called “Earth Mother” in Women’s Day magazine and won awards for her short films about climate-related effects on local communities. Today, filmmaker Dayna Reggero takes us behind the scenes to how she works… Continue reading Inspiring Eco-Filmmaker – Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

Brand Purpose – with Billee Howard, Brandthropologie & Centiment

“People are really making decisions more about who a brand is and why they’re doing something, as opposed to just what it is they are offering because that is largely commodified by options and price point.” Billee Howard on Green Connections Radio
You’re doing strategic planning, but are you looking at your brand anew too?
Maybe you should, says Billee Howard, master brand storyteller, and CEO of Brandthropolgie. She’s also Chief Strategy Officer of Centiment, an IBM Watson company leveraging artificial intelligence to help brands connect on an emotional level, the author of, We-Commerce: How to Create, Collaborate and Succeed in the Sharing Economy, and the former EVP of worldwide marketing communications firm Weber Shandwick.