Inspiring Eco-Filmmaker – Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

“If you want to be a good storyteller, tell stories you want to tell…It’s really about the passion.” Dayna Reggero  She’s been called “Earth Mother” in Women’s Day magazine and won awards for her short films about climate-related effects on local communities. Today, filmmaker Dayna Reggero takes us behind the scenes to how she works… Continue reading Inspiring Eco-Filmmaker – Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

Inspiring Eco-Filmmaker – Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

“If you want to be a good storyteller, tell stories you want to tell…It’s really about the passion.” Dayna Reggero  She’s been called “Earth Mother” in Women’s Day magazine and won awards for her short films about climate-related effects on local communities. Today, filmmaker Dayna Reggero takes us behind the scenes to how she works… Continue reading Inspiring Eco-Filmmaker – Dayna Reggero, Climate Listening Project

Going to the movies? A Story About “The Post” You Don’t Hear About

Are you seeing the movie “The Post”? Here’s something you aren’t hearing about…. Movies and television productions are one of the most wasteful businesses on the planet. But clever entrepreneurs are doing something about it – and Steven Spielberg took notice. Think about all the energy for lighting and cameras, the sets they build (and… Continue reading Going to the movies? A Story About “The Post” You Don’t Hear About

Water Science Lessons? Rita Colwell, Gulf Water Expert, fmr NSF Administrator

Stories abound about the potential contaminants in the water flooding Houston and its environs from Hurricane Harvey. But what might we learn from all that water? Perhaps we can learn something about it from the team that studied the Gulf of Mexico after the catastrophic BP Oil Spill. Dr. Rita Colwell, renowned microbiologist and oceanographer,… Continue reading Water Science Lessons? Rita Colwell, Gulf Water Expert, fmr NSF Administrator

EcoFilm Festivals 101 – Flo Stone, Founder, D.C. Environmental Film Festival

As the D.C. Environmental Film Festival celebrates its 25th anniversary, host Joan Michelson spoke with Founder Flo Stone about the festival’s unusual business model, and environmental filmmaking circa 2017. The festival attracted 30,000 attendees this year and reached far and wide across Washington, DC into every neighborhood with its uniquely structured festival. Films are screened… Continue reading EcoFilm Festivals 101 – Flo Stone, Founder, D.C. Environmental Film Festival

Movies, Environment – Marilyn Weiner, Screenscope Inc.

“Find another way.” We all know the power of movies to move us. EMMY-winning documentary filmmaker – and co-executive producer of the masterful documentary “Dispatches From the Gulf” about the scientific impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill – Marilyn Weiner talks with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson about the ups and downs… Continue reading Movies, Environment – Marilyn Weiner, Screenscope Inc.

Movies Made Sustainably – Emellie O’Brien, Earth Angel

Think about your favorite movies this Oscar season… Now think about what it took to produce it: energy for lighting, water and food for the crew, paper for the scripts, wood and other materials for the sets, cars and vans to transport people, maybe cars and buildings that get blown up…. All of that produces a lot of waste and uses a lot of energy and water, and puts CO2 into the air. Listen to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson’s fascinating conversation with Emellie O’Brien, Founder and President of Earth Angel, an award-winning company focused on reducing the carbon footprint of movies and television shows. (I wonder what the carbon footprint is of the Oscars!)