“Seek First To Understand” – Jennifer Hough, Author, TEDx Speaker & Advisor on Talking About Climate Change

“If you want to get something done in this world that transcends what’s already happening, if you want to be a pioneer or a leader and make something new out of what has been…then you have to be willing to listen to the people that are trying to hold dearly to how it has been… Continue reading “Seek First To Understand” – Jennifer Hough, Author, TEDx Speaker & Advisor on Talking About Climate Change

Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

“Women often have far more skills than their resumes translate into. And actually we’re going into a good period now where I think employers and organizations are looking for the skillset that you have more than the job titles that you have. And that’s good for women because we have a lot of skills that… Continue reading Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

What Is ‘Brave Thinking’? – Mary Morrissey, Renowned Speaker & Advisor, Author of “Brave Thinking: The Art and Science Of Creating A Life You Love”

”Brave thinkers on the other hand, developed the courage to think and live from a vision…They’re not going to let circumstances win. They don’t deny the circumstances or situations, but they don’t let them win. And they’re pulling from something that’s greater than the circumstance, situation, or condition. And there’s a way to hold our… Continue reading What Is ‘Brave Thinking’? – Mary Morrissey, Renowned Speaker & Advisor, Author of “Brave Thinking: The Art and Science Of Creating A Life You Love”

Good Corporate Citizenship In A Crisis – Susan McPherson, McPherson Strategies  

“Companies are not just being more strategic about corporate social impact, but are taking on the role of activists themselves. Consumers and employees now expect companies to be vocal and to protect the rights of our people and our planet. CEOs are the voices of companies and can no longer remain neutral and silent as… Continue reading Good Corporate Citizenship In A Crisis – Susan McPherson, McPherson Strategies  

Changing Your Leadership Style – With Maggie Bienaiszewska, Auto Sector Entrepreneur, Women Automotive Network

Małgorzata Bieniaszewska

“The first lesson was do not pretend somebody here know that that was the one when I was trying to dress up like a business woman. But the second one was, which was a really hard one for me, was to understand that we communicate, we have different communication styles, which is, it seems very… Continue reading Changing Your Leadership Style – With Maggie Bienaiszewska, Auto Sector Entrepreneur, Women Automotive Network

The Tipping Point Business Is At Now – Isabelle Grosmaitre, Goodness & Co  (from France)

 “We are at a tipping point when businesses need to reinvent themselves for a better future. In fact, I believe that they need to reinvent the model and even demonstrate the contribution to society. I believe. in fact, that only companies with a positive impact will thrive. Why? Because they will be chosen by people,… Continue reading The Tipping Point Business Is At Now – Isabelle Grosmaitre, Goodness & Co  (from France)

Hire The Outliers – Joan on Lesley Michaels Show, “Women We Should Know”

“72% of CEOs say that innovation is one of their top three priorities. And close to 70% of them say they have a hard time driving innovation in their organization. I would posit, having been in there and been an intrapreneur myself, that the problem is they hire the wrong people. They hire for what… Continue reading Hire The Outliers – Joan on Lesley Michaels Show, “Women We Should Know”

Is Iceland A Pilot For 100% Renewable Energy? – Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority

Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director=General, National Energy Authority, Iceland

Iceland runs on 85% renewable energy. How did they get there? “My favorite part of Iceland’s renewable energy story is that it started small. It started with innovation, entrepreneurship. In terms of how has this developed, originally organically and then supported by the government and by policies and funding, which is essential for any development.”… Continue reading Is Iceland A Pilot For 100% Renewable Energy? – Halla Hrund Logadottir, Director-General of Iceland’s National Energy Authority

Joan Michelson on The State of Climate Efforts – on Matt Schlegel’s Leadership Show

Joan Michelson

“I’m very concerned about what’s happening to the planet, but I also see the private sector really stepping up…the Biden administration is doing a great deal, especially having just come from COP26. And I interface with people every day who are in the business world doing this work and in big ways and small ways.… Continue reading Joan Michelson on The State of Climate Efforts – on Matt Schlegel’s Leadership Show

How Women Can Become Automotive Leaders – Lisa Brown, Ph.D., Volkswagen Group of America

“To me an exciting industry, the auto industry, so I wondered ‘why aren’t more women, particularly young women interested in the automotive industry?’…So this is why I conducted a quantitative-qualitative correlational study looking at relationships between all these things the experts say you should do…. I wanted to know, ‘is that really true?’ … And… Continue reading How Women Can Become Automotive Leaders – Lisa Brown, Ph.D., Volkswagen Group of America