Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

“Women often have far more skills than their resumes translate into. And actually we’re going into a good period now where I think employers and organizations are looking for the skillset that you have more than the job titles that you have. And that’s good for women because we have a lot of skills that… Continue reading Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

Women Voters, Climate & This Critical 2024 Election

“Women are very worried about these (extreme weather) events, and they’re the ones that really worry about the impact on communities.…They want to leave a better country for their children…They will say that climate change is something that really is on my agenda more because my children talk to me about it and they listen… Continue reading Women Voters, Climate & This Critical 2024 Election