Maybe those of us who care about an equitable, peaceful, climate-resilient and clean energy economy had gotten complacent. Maybe we thought everyone was seeing the progress we’ve seen. Maybe we didn’t hear how many of our fellow Americans have been suffering badly and feeling unheard – and how they are not finding out about the… Continue reading It’s Up To Us – Consumers, The Business Community – And The Media
Tag: SEC
Analysis of SEC Climate Risk Rules: Tara Giunta, Global Co-Chair of ESG & Sustainable Finance Practice at Paul Hastings Law Firm
“If you’re sitting on a board, you’re a member of the executive leadership team…You need to make sure you’re stepping back and understanding geopolitical risk, social, cultural risk, legal, regulatory, risk, activism. What are the activists looking at?… Who are the key stakeholders that you need to be aware of so that you can make… Continue reading Analysis of SEC Climate Risk Rules: Tara Giunta, Global Co-Chair of ESG & Sustainable Finance Practice at Paul Hastings Law Firm
SEC Climate Rules Unlock Business Value – Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Audit, Sustainability
“Regulation can really be a catalyst for transformation, for business transformation, because this is so much more than a disclosure and compliance exercise. “When you think about the mechanisms, the infrastructure, the data that will emerge from instituting more discipline and rigor around these disclosure objectives, (it) is absolutely critical to surface more timely where… Continue reading SEC Climate Rules Unlock Business Value – Kristen Sullivan, Deloitte Audit, Sustainability
Mobilize, Measure, Manage ESG – Evelyne Saelens, UL Solutions ESG Advisory Lead
“These climate events, they’re impacting our everyday lives. They’re making the world unsafe…Sometimes it might feel that it’s hard to get to solid, tangible information. It’s hard to know that what you’re doing is meaningful, that it really has an impact. So the, what made it extremely interesting at being able to develop these ESG… Continue reading Mobilize, Measure, Manage ESG – Evelyne Saelens, UL Solutions ESG Advisory Lead
Investing In Companies For Social Impact – Meredith Shields, Citi Impact Fund
“We have an allocated pool of capital that we are investing in early stage startups that are solving some of the world’s most critical challenges. And…we care just as much about the financial success of the company as we do the impact that that company is going to make on the world. When I say… Continue reading Investing In Companies For Social Impact – Meredith Shields, Citi Impact Fund
ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards
“How do we deal with dilemmas? How do we think unthinkable? You know, the climate, ESG, human rights issues, diversity, equity, inclusion, supply chain issues, cyber security, integrity of data, incentive plans, all of those, the future of good corporate governance, transparency, anti-corruption. All of those different issues that have been there for a long,… Continue reading ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards
The Nuts & Bolts of ESG Software – Karen Alonardo, VP of ESG at NAVEX
“Who’s my customer, who’s my partner?…Make sure you’re aligning with their ESG programs…Think of ESG as part of your operational DNA. Right. Just keep it as part of how you run your business and just make it more of an integrated component versus kind of the separate thing.” Karen Alonardo on Electric Ladies Podcast If… Continue reading The Nuts & Bolts of ESG Software – Karen Alonardo, VP of ESG at NAVEX
Raising Money While Female – Ginger Rothrock, HG Ventures
“Do you understand what customers are looking for?…Do you know where you want to go? Can you tell a story? Are you the right person to lead this team and bring others on board?…The financial model is often the number side of your story. It is storytelling through numbers.” Ginger Rothrock on Electric Ladies Podcast… Continue reading Raising Money While Female – Ginger Rothrock, HG Ventures
Behind The SEC Curtain On Climate Rules – Kristina Wyatt, Fmr SEC Climate Risk Task Force, now at Persefoni
“The climate emergency is urgent and climate risk is financial risk. And the SEC is all about the protection of investors and the financial markets. And if you have this looming financial risk, that’s not being adequately addressed. …And, investors were saying, look, the information that we’re getting just doesn’t cut it. It’s not sufficiently… Continue reading Behind The SEC Curtain On Climate Rules – Kristina Wyatt, Fmr SEC Climate Risk Task Force, now at Persefoni
ESG Software Tips – Bridget Hughes, Donnelley Financial Solutions
“What’s interesting about the ESG data, when you start to collect just the greenhouse gas, it’s all surveys, it’s all subjective information that you’re collecting on a monthly basis. So, I think… the more questions you ask and the more data you’re asking for and get to retrieve, and then collect, I think, starts to… Continue reading ESG Software Tips – Bridget Hughes, Donnelley Financial Solutions