ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards

“How do we deal with dilemmas? How do we think unthinkable? You know, the climate, ESG, human rights issues, diversity, equity, inclusion, supply chain issues, cyber security, integrity of data, incentive plans, all of those, the future of good corporate governance, transparency, anti-corruption. All of those different issues that have been there for a long,… Continue reading ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards

Challenges of Doing Sustainability – Kate Gaertner, Triple Win Advisory

“I think the biggest issue is there are no quote unquote ‘incentives’ at the national level to require companies of any size, whether they’re private or public to do this hard work, right. And corporate sustainability really is hard work, especially when you’re talking about reducing carbon emissions within their supply chains……. (Europe has mandatory… Continue reading Challenges of Doing Sustainability – Kate Gaertner, Triple Win Advisory

What’s In Your Food? – Ellie Rubenstein, A Transparent Food Supply

“I personally have medical allergies…When I was able to figure out the difference between one egg and a Vital Farms egg, I don’t have an egg allergy! It turns out that I have a feed and a hormone allergy, which got me excited. Wait a second, this is great knowledge! What (else)…do I not have… Continue reading What’s In Your Food? – Ellie Rubenstein, A Transparent Food Supply

What’s In Your Food? – Ellie Rubenstein, Manna Tree Partners Investors

Do you know what’s really in your food? Do you know where it comes from (and I don’t mean the market)?
In this enlightening interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson, Gabrielle (Ellie) Rubenstein, entrepreneur and investor like her famous father and self-described “outdoorswoman” like her mother, enlightens us about how our food supply chain really works and how we can make it more transparent and healthier. She’s on a mission….

“The Force Awakens” in the C-Suite: As 2015 Becomes 2016, “Nice to Haves” Become “Must Haves”

As 2015 becomes 2016, it is striking how many issues that were once dismissed as “just a public relations issue” or “nice to haves,” underfunded and relegated to departments deemed less influential, are now high priorities in the C-suite. (Photo credit: Doug Mills) What’s going on? Has the Star Wars “Force” awakened the C-suite?