ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards

“How do we deal with dilemmas? How do we think unthinkable? You know, the climate, ESG, human rights issues, diversity, equity, inclusion, supply chain issues, cyber security, integrity of data, incentive plans, all of those, the future of good corporate governance, transparency, anti-corruption. All of those different issues that have been there for a long,… Continue reading ESG On Corporate Boards – Helle Bank Jorgensen, CEO of Competent Boards

TED Talk Speaker Tips – Tricia Brouk, Former TEDxLincolnSquare Producer, Speaker Coach, Film Producer

Being able to speak in public is crucial to career success in today’s world where the media is everywhere, cameras are everywhere, and you can end up on social media without knowing it.  Being a public speaker who moves people in a positive way can be a powerful career advantage too. But how? And how do you land those coveted opportunities to land on a TEDx stage?
Listen to Tricia Brouk, former long-time producer of TEDxLincolnCenter in New York City who used to approve or reject speaker pitches and who trains speakers to succeed today, in this remarkable interview with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson – and more career advice too.

How to Get More Women STEM Leaders  – Heather Metcalf, Assn. of Women in Science

“Research has repeatedly demonstrated that diverse teams, especially in leadership, outperform homogenous teams in innovation, research quality, decision-making, and complex thinking and bolster their organization’s financial success,” according to the new AWIS research. Yet, the statistics on women in leadership are pathetic, especially in STEM. Here are tips.

The Enthusiasm Gap Between Men & Women  – Kristin Haffert, Mine The Gap

We know that women and men are essentially recruited in the same amounts out of college, or in entry level jobs, yet only 6.6% of women are Fortune 500 CEO’s (as of 2019). Employers complain that women leave before they can be promoted, taking the employers’ investment in recruiting, training and developing their talent with them. Why are women leaving? It’s well, complicated. Listen here to learn what women are saying is missing at work and why they leave for another job.

Women’s Talent in Innovation – Alfia Ilicheva & Maria Potoroczyn

“We recognize that women add fundamentally different and unique and a very powerful contribution to creating new ideas, new products, new services.”  Alfia Ilicheva on Electric Ladies podcast If you think only the “ah-ha” ideas become successful businesses (or nonprofits), then Alfia Ilicheva and Maria Potorocyzn want to talk to you.  They believe it’s a… Continue reading Women’s Talent in Innovation – Alfia Ilicheva & Maria Potoroczyn