Woman With The Most Patents – Lisa DeLuca, IBM

“All great ideas stem from a really good problem. There’s problems all around us….The really good problems are the ones you’re hearing about consistently….and hearing those problems and starting to think about, ‘how can I solve this in a way that nobody else has thought of before?’ or, we can take it a step further. That’s where the great ideas come from.” Lisa DeLuca on Green Connections Radio podcast. We hear about people coming up with great new businesses or products or technologies all the time, but we don’t often find out how they did so.  Today you will. Listen to IBM’s most prolific female inventor, Lisa DeLuca, with about 500 patents already and 250 more pending.  Lisa talks about where she gets her ideas, what happens to them, hos she decides which ones to file patents on and more in this truly engaging and entertaining interview with Joan Michelson on Green Connections Radio podcast.

Women’s Talent in Innovation – Alfia Ilicheva & Maria Potoroczyn

“We recognize that women add fundamentally different and unique and a very powerful contribution to creating new ideas, new products, new services.”  Alfia Ilicheva on Electric Ladies podcast If you think only the “ah-ha” ideas become successful businesses (or nonprofits), then Alfia Ilicheva and Maria Potorocyzn want to talk to you.  They believe it’s a… Continue reading Women’s Talent in Innovation – Alfia Ilicheva & Maria Potoroczyn

How To Sell Your Crazy Idea Internally

“Uh-oh. There she is. I know you’re here to take me out of my comfort zone. Give me a minute,” my boss at Chrysler’s Global Electric Motorcars would say when he would see me at his office door. Then, he would grab the arms of his chair, close his eyes and say, “Ok, I’m ready,”… Continue reading How To Sell Your Crazy Idea Internally