Sustainable Holiday Shopping – Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign

“The fashion industry is a supply chain….but the reality is it’s a human chain. Nothing is made that we wear that does not go through many human hands. And so really for me, the environmental aspects are extremely important. But.. it’s really about brands being more open about their supply chain. And, specifically, when there… Continue reading Sustainable Holiday Shopping – Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign

Branding in This Pandemic  – Anne Bahr Thompson, Author, “Do Good: Brand Citizenship to Fuel Both Purpose and Profit

What Business Should and Should Not Do During This Pandemic Crisis. Do you get mad seeing ads selling normal stuff these days, as if we’re not in a global health crisis? What should companies, leaders and marketers do in this unprecedented crisis? Should you just post messages of support for first responders and healthcare workers? Do special offers work now?  
Listen to this fascinating Green Connections Radio podcast interview with Anne Bahr Thompson, veteran branding expert, former head of a division of megabranding agency Interbrand and author of “Do Good: Brand Citizenship to Fuel Both Purpose and Profit,” to find out.

Focusing Amidst Chaos – Kasia Reterska, McPherson Strategies

“People are more committed to and loyal to brand than they are to the politicians…because the brands are in their homes, they touch and feel them every day.” Kasia Reterska, McPherson Strategies We seem to live in two, chaotic parallel universes. One one hand, the government and Twitterverse gyrate from policy-by-tweet or other crisis to… Continue reading Focusing Amidst Chaos – Kasia Reterska, McPherson Strategies

Engaging People in Sustainability – Tracy Schario, Communications Executive

The eco-conscious market is three times more involved and engaged than the average market.
Tracy Schario on Green Connections Radio. The private sector has already moved forward and is focused on “selling” their sustainability initiatives to their stakeholders. How? What does it take to convincingly communicate about sustainability, inspiring engagement to drive results? Listen to communications executive Tracy Schario, former head of communications at Pew Clean Energy in this lively conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.