Sustainable Holiday Shopping – Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign

“The fashion industry is a supply chain….but the reality is it’s a human chain. Nothing is made that we wear that does not go through many human hands. And so really for me, the environmental aspects are extremely important. But.. it’s really about brands being more open about their supply chain. And, specifically, when there… Continue reading Sustainable Holiday Shopping – Kerry Bannigan, Conscious Fashion Campaign

“Sustainable” Cleaning Products – Kay Gebhardt, Seventh Generation

“Science can do amazing things and answer questions for us,” she told me, “but then we can use that knowledge to do this in a responsible way or in an irresponsible way….Science is good to have. Then, what are you going to use it for and how do you do it responsibly?” Kay Gebhardt on… Continue reading “Sustainable” Cleaning Products – Kay Gebhardt, Seventh Generation

Transforming Fashion – Amina Razvi, Sustainable Apparel Coalition


“Can you produce something that is both beautiful and sustainable? We’re getting to the point where those two things should be one and the same.”
Amina Razvi on Green Connections Radio. Do you want to buy clothing that is made sustainably? Listen to Amina Razvi, V.P. of Membership of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition with Joan Michelson on Green Connections Radio for tips.

Jeans from Wood? – Tricia Carey, Lenzing Fibers

Tricia Carey

“It’s about how the customer will feel.” Tricia Carey About 85% of our clothing ends up in a landfill. Ugh! How do we reduce this environmental hazard — and still wear great clothes? Listen to this fascinating conversation with Tricia Carey of Lenzing Fabrics about how they make glorious fabrics from wood, for a range… Continue reading Jeans from Wood? – Tricia Carey, Lenzing Fibers

Clean Energy Policy Today – Lisa Jacobson, Business Council for Sustainable Energy

Conventional thinking in the face of the proposed Trump administration’s cuts and regulatory rollbacks is that clean energy support in Washington is on life support. Not so fast…. Listen to Lisa Jacobson, President of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) explain to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson why business and the council are… Continue reading Clean Energy Policy Today – Lisa Jacobson, Business Council for Sustainable Energy