“The reason their (men’s) participation in that last decade (before ratification of the 19th Amendment) was so important, was because they had the means and the will to help the movement financially and politically.” Brooke Kroeger on Electric Ladies Podcast
As we commemorate Women’s History Month in this tumultuous year, just as President Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his VP, it’s important to remember the pivotal role men have played in women’s advances over time.
Listen to Brooke Kroeger, author of “The Suffragents” about the men who supported ratification of the 19th Amendment, confirming that women have the right to vote, explain more in this fascinating interview on Electric Ladies Podcast (then called Green Connections Radio) with host Joan Michelson. Kroeger is also a professor at New York University School of Journalism and developer of an extensive database on the suffrage movement.
You’ll hear:
- How women built alliances with men in positions of power and influence.
- Why male support is so important to women’s advancement.
- How women leveraged the (male-owned) media to drive public opinion and pressure lawmakers.
- Why women’s roles in wartime were so important to securing women’s rights.
- Lessons for women today from the fight for women’s suffrage. And, great career advice too!
Read my Forbes blog about my interview with Brooke too.
“I never had any connections for any of the jobs I’ve had in life…” and, about finding the right job, “You find it when it feels right. ” Brooke Kroeger on Electric Ladies Podcast podcast
You may also like:
- Lori Harrison-Kahan, author, “The Superwoman” on suffrage journalist Miriam Michelson and how she helped win women the vote.
- Commemorating the 19th Amendment Centennial – video and podcast of event at the Newseum.
- Telle Whitney, Former CEO of Anita Borg Institute for Women in Tech and top diversity expert.
- Wanda Lloyd, former senior editor of USA Today and local newspapers, author of “Coming Full Circle: From Jim Crow to Journalism.”
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