“Fuel cells create electricity by stripping electrons from hydrogen atoms; the hydrogen then bonds to oxygen to create water, while the electrons power the electric motor. The result is an electric vehicle that is fueled with hydrogen from a pump rather than electrons drawn from the nation’s electrical power grid.” Car & Driver magazine
Many voices are talking about how we need to rebuild the post-pandemic economy to also make us more resilient to the ravages of climate change. Ramping up adoption of electric vehicles is always in those conversations, especially battery-powered ones. But not there are hydrogen fuel cell EVs too.
Listen to Jackie Birdsall, Senior Engineer of these vehicles at Toyota explain how they work and much more, with host Joan Michelson.
You’ll hear:
- How hydrogen fuel cell vehicles work
- Where the infrastructure is for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and when refueling will be more available.
- What these EVs cost and how to get government tax incentives for buying them.
- Why hydrogen fuel cells vehicles travel more miles than battery-powered EVs, and charge faster.
- And, important career advice, including how Toyota is empowering women specifically.
“Open yourself to all kinds of opportunities and say ‘yes’ to them and it will help you find your passion and …step out of your comfort zone.” Jackie Birdsall
You’ll also like:
- Katie Sloan, head of eMobility at Southern California Edison, on getting 7 million EVs on the road.
- Bonnie Datta, formerly of Siemens Energy, on the regulatory issues facing EV adoption.
- Jennifer Gerbi, Ph.D, Deputy Director and Acting Director of ARPA-E, the Dept. of Energy’s innovation unit, working on transportation on many levels.
- Michelle Wyman, Executive Director of National Council of Science and the Environment on how to talk to policymakers about science to keep science in policy decisions.
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