Based on her experience working with Fortune 500 companies like Boeing, Nathalie Udo shares her practical insights into taking a large company from awareness that they need to be more eco-friendly to action steps on how to do it.
These include insights she wrote about in her book “Organizational Survival” co-authored with Gregory Balestrero. You’ll want to take notes on this one!
Although 80% of companies today are aware of the need for sustainability, only 15% are taking action.
Find out which industries are taking action, who lags far behind and what you can do in your workplace – no matter what level you’re at – to nudge your employer or business in that direction. (This was recorded under our previous name, Green Connections Radio.)
You’ll hear:
- Practical plans for reducing your carbon footprint, energy, and water use, reducing waste.
- Reducing risks of climate change and resource scarcity.
- How to get companies to make the decision to commit to sustainability.
- Practical solutions to persuading your team to add sustainable solutions to the budget.
- What to do when you get pushback.
- Career tips from her unusual trajectory
….And more!
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