The Power Of Buildings – Katie McGinty, Johnson Controls Chief Sustainability Officer

“The march that we have seen in businesses taking on climate commitments has been one of those forcing functions to bring the data related to buildings front and center (because buildings account for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions) ….There is a whole heck of a lot of inefficiency to cut out of those buildings. And… Continue reading The Power Of Buildings – Katie McGinty, Johnson Controls Chief Sustainability Officer

Why Heat Pumps Are “In” – Lauren Salz, Co-Founder & CEO of Sealed

“There’s a few reasons why a building owner might want to electrify their building and get heat pumps. One is that it is a better experience for the people who are living in those units. It’s really, really quiet. it’s healthier, it’s safer…and then secondly, there should be less maintenance cost over time. Just having… Continue reading Why Heat Pumps Are “In” – Lauren Salz, Co-Founder & CEO of Sealed