Managing Crisis & Change, From Fmr Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James

“We all have to recognize whether we’re working in industry or government or in the nonprofit sector, is change is a constant…(Y)ou constantly have to be thinking about your next move. Life is not a game of checkers these days, it’s a game of chess and you have to be thinking three or four steps beyond where you are now if at all possible.” Deborah Lee James on Green Connections Radio podcast. From managing life-and death crises to managing career decisions and “jerks,” Secretary James tells Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson the truth about being a strong woman advancing in an organization up to leadership.

Managing Crisis & Change, From Fmr Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James

“We all have to recognize whether we’re working in industry or government or in the nonprofit sector, is change is a constant…(Y)ou constantly have to be thinking about your next move. Life is not a game of checkers these days, it’s a game of chess and you have to be thinking three or four steps beyond where you are now if at all possible.” Deborah Lee James on Green Connections Radio podcast. From managing life-and death crises to managing career decisions and “jerks,” Secretary James tells Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson the truth about being a strong woman advancing in an organization up to leadership.

Why Place Matters – Stacy Jupiter, MacArthur “Genius” Winner 2019

As world leaders and climate leaders, scientists and activists gather to address solutions to the climate crisis, Dr. Stacy Jupiter has a novel perspective on what communities need to address in those climate resilience plans – and in driving change.  She just won a MacArthur “Genius” award for it. Listen to Stacy explain to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson why our sense of a place and its culture are just as vital to our well-being as clean water and food, especially in many countries like Melanesia, where she is currently working.