What Are Green Building Materials? Wendy Vittori, HPD Open Standard

“Any product that is used to construct the building, finish the building, or furnish the building is comprehended within our standard,” Wendy Vittori on Electric Ladies Podcast (then known as Green Connections Radio)

The green building sector is booming, and expected to grow to $433 billion by 2024, in efforts to combat climate change, since buildings comprise 40% of U.S. carbon emissions.  But, as we wait for answers to what exactly caused the Champlain Towers in Surfside, Florida to collapse, we must ask: how do we know these materials are safe?

To find out, Listen to Wendy Vittori, Executive Director of the Health Products Declaration Collaborative, which developed the Open Standard being used to publicly disclose what is actually in all building materials, in a consistent, reliable and transparent way.

You’ll learn:

Read Joan’s Forbes article about how their standard might keep us safe, and her ones with the powerful career advice from Wendy here and here too.

You’ll also want to listen to:

Read Joan’s other Forbes articles on the safety of green buildings in the face of Surfside here and here.

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