Help Wanted—Women In Renewable Energy. Saves The Planet And The Economy, Study Found

This Labor Day when the world is swirling in a kaleidoscope of massive challenges, it looks like maybe a few of those challenges can be tackled at once by transitioning to be an economy that runs on renewable energy, versus primarily on fossil fuels. The massive and unexpectedly devastating damage from Hurricane Ida this past… Continue reading Help Wanted—Women In Renewable Energy. Saves The Planet And The Economy, Study Found

Looking for a Job?

Looking for a job? Between 1 and 3 million new U.S. manufacturing jobs are being created in the energy field over the next 5 to 10 years. But before you say “I’m not an engineer,” remember: They hire administrative assistants, marketers, project managers, bookkeepers and finance people too, that is, all levels and skills. This… Continue reading Looking for a Job?