Career Advice For Times Of Great Change – From 5 Electric Ladies

Paula Glover, Alliance To Save Energy

Career Advice For Times Of Great Change – From 5 Electric Ladies “You need to be looking 360 in terms of industry, what’s developing, what’s coming down the pike from a technology standpoint, from a risk standpoint. You should be educating yourself constantly and stretching yourself to go into a new area. Don’t just be… Continue reading Career Advice For Times Of Great Change – From 5 Electric Ladies

Climate Policy Boosts The Economy – Gina McCarthy, Fmr. White House National Climate Advisor & Climate Policy Head; Fmr. EPA Administrator

Gina McCarthy (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

“(People) just have to work with their own local communities….We are talking about $400 billion of investment in the Inflation Reduction Act already captured. That’s just two years. This is a 10-year bill…To me, what’s most exciting is that the opportunities are real, and you can grab them.…Already 3.4 million families have grabbed Inflation Reduction… Continue reading Climate Policy Boosts The Economy – Gina McCarthy, Fmr. White House National Climate Advisor & Climate Policy Head; Fmr. EPA Administrator