Making Gov’t Data Usable – Olivia Martin,

Olivia Martin, USAFacts data scientist

“These are historical metrics for perspective—whether they mark positive, negative, or neutral changes for land, energy, and air (or any other part of American life) in the US is up to you.” From government funding allocations to cities and states, or even to schools and communities, to how healthcare is administered and paid for, to… Continue reading Making Gov’t Data Usable – Olivia Martin,

Funding Energy Innovations – Dr. Ellen Williams, ARPA-E, Dept of Energy

The Paris Accord to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions is ambitious and the U.S. has agreed to reduce it’s emissions by 26 to 28 % below 2005 levels by 2025. How do we do it? With breakthrough energy innovations! Leading the charge in these breakthroughs is ARPA-E, the innovation arm of the U.S. Department of… Continue reading Funding Energy Innovations – Dr. Ellen Williams, ARPA-E, Dept of Energy