Congress & Clean Energy – Lynn Abramson, Clean Energy Business Network

Due to COVID-19’s economic crisis, the energy sector has experienced the worst downturn since WWII, according to the head of the International Energy Agency.  And, we need to mitigate the impact of climate change. Yet, at a time when our lives literally depend upon energy for hospitals, essential services like grocery stores and pharmacies, and on emergency… Continue reading Congress & Clean Energy – Lynn Abramson, Clean Energy Business Network

Earth Science & Climate – Katharine Hayhoe, Renowned Climate Scientist, Time 100

One or the most prominent voices on climate change is one of our amazing scientist guests, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, who was chosen as one of Time magazine’s “Top 100 Pioneers” and is great fun too. Dr. Hayhoe is an Atmospheric Scientist and the Director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University – and teaches in the Political Science Department. An interesting combination…Listen to her easy way of helping us understand the science..

Marketing Nat’l Lab Inventions – Dr. Karina Edmonds, Tech Transfer, Dept of Energy

The National Laboratories invented most of the stuff we take for granted. The technology that “put the jolt in the Chevy Volt,” for example, removed lead from use in anything soldered, improved our roofs and, yes, started the technology that became the Internet. .Listen to Dr. Karina Edmonds, Technology Transfer Coordinator for the Department of Energy — now at Google — speak about innovations from the National Laboratories that are solving our energy challenges.

Gov’t Does Climate – Rebecca Rubin, Marstel Day

Guess who’s taking serious steps to reduce their carbon footprint and partner with the local community? As the new administration seeks to cut all climate and clean energy, we thought it was a good time to re-air our interview with Rebecca R. Rubin, Founder/CEO of Marstel Day, the environmental consulting firm that’s been helping the… Continue reading Gov’t Does Climate – Rebecca Rubin, Marstel Day

Resilient Communities – Katharine Burgess, Director of Urban Resilience, Urban Land Institute

With our communities on the front lines of climate change risk – homes, businesses, schools and local economies – we are relieved that there are courageous, innovative leaders who are taking action and creating added value (with low budgets). They are using natural solutions and conservation methods that we can all learn. Meet Katharine Burgess, Director of Urban Resilience at the Urban Land Institute, as she shares her insights from working with communities on Green Connections Radio in this conversation with host Joan Michelson. You may want to forward this podcast to your mayor, Congressperson or City Manager – and take notes for your own community!

Environmental Journalism – Soledad O’Brien, Hearst TV & Former CNN Anchor

Hearst Television's "Matter of Fact" anchor Soledad O'Brien. Photo: Jay Mallin

“People have competing interests…(so) move beyond lazy labeling…a reporter’s job is to provide context…undergirded by data and statistics….Be a little fearless.” The Dakota Access Pipeline fight, hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes… the BP Oil Spill, the potential cuts to the EPA budget and rollback of the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts…Journalists rush to cover these stories as they break in the moment, but what’s missing? Listen to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson’s insightful conversation with renowned journalist Soledad O’Brien, formerly of CNN and MSNBC and now Founder and CEO of Starfish Media Group, an award-winning production company, and host of “Matter of Fact” syndicated on network television via Hearst TV.

Leadership Tips from Author & Time Mag’s Jay Newton-Small!

How Women are Changing the Way America Works
Leadership – advancing your career – finding alternate paths to solutions – even peaceful policing strategies that work…
Listen to renowned journalist Jay Newton-Small of Time magazine and author of the best-selling book “Broad Influence: How Women are Changing the Way America Works” in this enlightening conversation with Green Connections host Joan Michelson – great stories too!

Rebecca Lefton of the Center for American Progress

Listen to Rebecca Lefton of the Center for American Progress discuss climate change policy, and why it’s a matter of national security. What’s the real impact of climate change policy? 

What is the new International Green Construction Code and why does it matter?

Jessyca Henderson, Managing Director, Policy and Community Relations at The American Institute of Architects (AIA) tells us – and how women are taking sustainable building by storm. Listen to Jessyca Henderson here:

Kate Gordon on job growth via the green economy and what we can do TODAY to boost it

Kate Gordon on job growth via the green economy and what we can do TODAY to boost it
Listen to nationally-recognized expert Kate Gordon as she talks about what the green economy really is and the jobs it is creating, including the skills required for those jobs. She talks about what President Obama have done (and his policies are still doing) and what local leaders can do TODAY to boost economic growth. Kate is a straight-shooter who has worked in the heart of the DC establishment and on the local level — and speaks with both credibility and wit to make for a fascinating discussion.