“Seek First To Understand” – Jennifer Hough, Author, TEDx Speaker & Advisor on Talking About Climate Change

“If you want to get something done in this world that transcends what’s already happening, if you want to be a pioneer or a leader and make something new out of what has been…then you have to be willing to listen to the people that are trying to hold dearly to how it has been and who are afraid of how it has been going away. And one has to become a master bridge builder. In order to become a master bridge builder, one has to be so committed to asking questions to drop into a place of understanding such that you understand where the commonality is….Find the common points.”

Jennifer Hough on Electric Ladies Podcast

Historically devastating hurricanes are wiping communities off the map, courtesy of climate change, and historic private sector and government investments show that clean energy and climate resilience technologies are economic engines. Yet there are still climate deniers and those battling to reverse those investment – even as they praise the jobs created by those investments in their areas. How do we bridge the gap?

Listen to Jennifer Hough, author of “Unstuck,” TEDx speaker and advisor to leaders, explain how to listen differently and talk about these issues differently in this enlightening conversation with Electric Ladies host Joan Michelson. They also share insightful career advice.

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“The first piece of advice that I would give is that…(you want to ask yourself or the Universe) ‘What’s the greatest thing that you can do with the skill sets you already have that might leave you feeling satisfied, fulfilled, and like you had a life of meaning and that you went to bed that night knowing that you did what you came to the planet for and you woke up in the morning excited about getting up?’ Answering that question sometimes takes six months, two weeks. It, it’s not something that most people can answer right off the bat. They can answer it sometimes generally, but not specifically. So that would be number one….The second thing is, in order for your glass ceilings to become your floors,…you want to work with someone consistently that’s guiding you, ’cause doing it alone is for the birds,….finding someone to work with, man, that’s so important.” Jennifer Hough on Electric Ladies Podcast

Read Joan’s Forbes articles here.

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