Energy Efficiency Savings & Opportunities – Paula Glover, CEO of the Alliance To Save Energy

Paula Glover, Alliance To Save Energy

“Energy efficiency…is doing more, using less. The megawatt not used is the cheapest megawatt and there’s so many things, either by using technology, old technology like insulation or digitalization, that allows us to really stretch what we can get out every single megawatt ,a kilowatt electron that we use. And so that’s what we’re talking… Continue reading Energy Efficiency Savings & Opportunities – Paula Glover, CEO of the Alliance To Save Energy

Financial Opportunities For Climate, Energy – Heather Boushey, White House Council of Economic Advisors & Chief Economist of Invest in America Cabinet

“Much of our infrastructure isn’t built to withstand certain kinds of flooding or certain levels of heat. And yet, as the climate changes, so many of the things… that we did know in a world with a stable climate, those are now being upended. And all of that affects costs fundamentally… So, we need to… Continue reading Financial Opportunities For Climate, Energy – Heather Boushey, White House Council of Economic Advisors & Chief Economist of Invest in America Cabinet

Project 2025 & Climate  – Rachel Frazin, The Hill Energy & Environment Reporter

“I think some of the biggest themes throughout (Project 2025) are a sort of reorganization or dismantling of some of our environment agencies. They literally use the word ‘dismantled’ for what they would like to do to NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The others are a little bit more subtle, but they talk… Continue reading Project 2025 & Climate  – Rachel Frazin, The Hill Energy & Environment Reporter

Reducing The Government’s Carbon Footprint – Anna Siefken, Federal Energy Management Program

“We work with this entire portfolio of buildings of the federal government, as you mentioned, about 350,000 buildings, also including 600,000 cars and trucks in the fleet, all of them looking towards decarbonization…We do it through policy and planning. So, we analyze the management mandates, the energy management mandates that come out, and we help… Continue reading Reducing The Government’s Carbon Footprint – Anna Siefken, Federal Energy Management Program

Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

“Women often have far more skills than their resumes translate into. And actually we’re going into a good period now where I think employers and organizations are looking for the skillset that you have more than the job titles that you have. And that’s good for women because we have a lot of skills that… Continue reading Unusual Career Advice – Powerful Insights From 5 Renowned Electric Ladies Guests

Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

“There are those individual actions that we can take. But if I can work with my community or work inside of my company, or if I can work inside of my house of worship and we can build some community and some action that way, it will have a much bigger impact than anything that… Continue reading Making A Difference Where You Are – Laur Hesse Fisher, MIT’s Environmental Solutions Initiative

Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

“We like to break (the tax credits) down by industries and audiences…On the industry side, we have energy efficiency, energy generation, manufacturing, vehicles, fuels, and carbon capture. Now, overlaying all of those are a handful of cross crosscutting bonuses and requirements that can greatly affect, in many cases, increase the amount of the underlying tax… Continue reading Accessing Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits – Rachel McCleery, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Treasury

Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

“The economic information on clean energy is amazing…We’re decades deep in it now, where you’re seeing the cost competitiveness of renewable technologies on an unsubsidized basis…We can do this. We can grow the economy and we can use more clean energy.” Lisa Jacobson on Electric Ladies Podcast The facts in the new Sustainable Energy 2024… Continue reading Energy Transition Is In Full Swing – Lisa Jacobson, BCSE & Tara Narayanan, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Wave Energy & Second Chances – Inna Braverman, Eco Wave Power

“I went for wave energy just because I saw a field that has huge demand, that has huge potential for positive impact on the world, and that nobody’s succeeding in. So, that kind of was for me, I don’t know, maybe a feeling of destiny here. I got a second chance in life and maybe… Continue reading Wave Energy & Second Chances – Inna Braverman, Eco Wave Power

Financial Support For Exporting, Trade – Judith Pryor, Export Import Bank of U.S.

“We help anyone in the United States who wants to sell their good or service overseas through short, medium, and long-term financing tools for international buyers. It’s usually medium term and long term. We provide foreign buyers with the ability to purchase U.S. goods and services. So we’re debt financiers to buyers of American goods… Continue reading Financial Support For Exporting, Trade – Judith Pryor, Export Import Bank of U.S.