Study: What Motivates Women To Be Leaders? – Maggi Reiss, IDS Publishing

With women still only 7.4% of the Fortune 500 CEOs, executives, recruiters, and advocates are wondering what needs to happen for more women to ascend to those roles. A brand new study conducted by Green Connections Media (GCM) and IDS Publishing may provide some answers, especially for those in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math). Called the Reiss Motivational Profile (“RMP”), it “helps people to…think about what they really want out of life, what’s really important to them,” Maggi Reiss explained. Listen to this fascinating interview with Maggi about what motivates women to be leaders, high-achievers.

10 Tips To Make Office Politics Work For You

“You don’t have an option to pay attention to (office) politics if you want to excel,” organizational psychologist and coach Dr. Jennifer Wisdom explained in an in-depth interview recently on my podcast. At least “play defensive politics, or you’ll actually lose ground.” What are “office politics” exactly? It’s how work is done, by whom and when. “Office… Continue reading 10 Tips To Make Office Politics Work For You

Why Place Matters – Stacy Jupiter, MacArthur “Genius” Winner 2019

As world leaders and climate leaders, scientists and activists gather to address solutions to the climate crisis, Dr. Stacy Jupiter has a novel perspective on what communities need to address in those climate resilience plans – and in driving change.  She just won a MacArthur “Genius” award for it. Listen to Stacy explain to Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson why our sense of a place and its culture are just as vital to our well-being as clean water and food, especially in many countries like Melanesia, where she is currently working.

8 Tips For Generating Creative Ideas From The Mind Of A ‘Genius’ Woman Scientist

When you send a photo from your smartphone, it asks you to choose a size of photo to send.  Which size should you choose and why? Each smaller size means the image is more compressed, so each size is a trade-off between bandwidth and detail.  The smaller you go, the less bandwidth you use, yet you… Continue reading 8 Tips For Generating Creative Ideas From The Mind Of A ‘Genius’ Woman Scientist

Why Women Are Natural Innovators – Laura Liswood, Council of Women World Leaders

March 6, 2019 - Washington, DC, USA: U.S. the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center hosts the 2019 International Women's Day Forum. Photo by Ian Wagreich / © U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“There is some sense that women lead differently than men, but it’s hard to parse out if it’s because of gender differences or because women have historically been in the non-dominant group and men have been in the dominant group.”  Laura Liswood Cultural dynamics drive the ability to innovate, hirings and promotions, whether it invests… Continue reading Why Women Are Natural Innovators – Laura Liswood, Council of Women World Leaders