How The Paris Climate Accord Can Create US Jobs – Tracy Raczek, Frmr UN Climate Advisor

“I truly, truly think that the green economy is an opportunity…When you look at greening infrastructure…truly transitioning our entire economy, you have incredible job opportunity…(including) for our business to be thinking ahead.” Tracy Raczek on Green Connections Radio podcast. A mere hours after being sworn in as president, President Joe Biden immediately rejoined the Paris Climate Accord with the stroke of his pen. Tracy Raczek, former Climate Advisor to the UN Secretary General, believes signing the Accord can be a job-creator in the U.S. Listen to Tracy explain why and much more in this fascinating interview on Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

Talking Science to Policy Makers – Michelle Wyman, National Council For Science and the Environment

“The part in this that is so important is the relationship building component, and that part takes time… (it) is the glue that brings cohesion across the issues and it enables a different form of listening and a different openness, in my view, that includes openness to hearing the science….. Science is the strongest tool… Continue reading Talking Science to Policy Makers – Michelle Wyman, National Council For Science and the Environment

How to Talk Science to Policy Makers – Michelle Wyman, National Council For Science and the Environment

“The part in this that is so important is the relationship building component, and that part takes time… (it) is the glue that brings cohesion across the issues and it enables a different form of listening and a different openness, in my view, that includes openness to hearing the science….. Science is the strongest tool… Continue reading How to Talk Science to Policy Makers – Michelle Wyman, National Council For Science and the Environment

Leadership Tips from Author & Time Magazine’s Jay Newton-Small

Leadership – advancing your career – finding alternate paths to solutions – even peaceful policing strategies that work… Listen to renowned journalist Jay Newton-Small of Time magazine and author of the best-seller “Broad Influence: How Women are Changing the Way America Works” in her enlightening conversation with host Joan Michelson about all of that and… Continue reading Leadership Tips from Author & Time Magazine’s Jay Newton-Small

Resilient Communities – Beth Gibbons, Institute for Sustainable Communities

Every community has to cope with climate change as a reality regardless of politicians’ political ideologies. Federal funds support many of these efforts, directly or indirectly – such as through the data supplied by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for severe weather monitoring – yet the Trump administration has proposed draconian budget cuts… Continue reading Resilient Communities – Beth Gibbons, Institute for Sustainable Communities

Earth Day and Data Science – Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network

“It’s really about voting…Commit to the greenest candidate you can. Period. For any office. Board of supervisors. School boards. Mayors. City Councils. Tweet at candidates. It’s all about politics. We’ve got the technology. We’ve got the capacity We have brilliant people, but…It’s about voting.” Kathleen Rogers Wow! It’s been 50 years since the first Earth… Continue reading Earth Day and Data Science – Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network

Secret Success of Women in STEM – Ariane Hegewisch, Inst for Women’s Policy Research

“The biggest problem with the official surveys that we rely on a lot… [by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS], is that…the number of women isn’t plentiful enough yet to have enough data on an annual basis to come up with reliable estimates.” Ariane Hegewisch on Green Connections Radio.
There’s a little secret about the pandemic-economic recession that economists are not talking about much: that women in STEM jobs actually did pretty well. Why? Because STEM jobs are what economists call “professional” jobs and they have been in demand and therefore, not cut for the most part. Listen to Ariane Hegewisch, Program Director for Employment and Earnings at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research explain why and how women in STEM fields can benefit in this engaging conversation with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.

How The Paris Climate Accord Can Create US Jobs – Tracy Raczek, Frmr UN Climate Advisor

“I truly, truly think that the green economy is an opportunity…When you look at greening infrastructure…truly transitioning our entire economy, you have incredible job opportunity…(including) for our business to be thinking ahead.” Tracy Raczek on Green Connections Radio podcast. A mere hours after being sworn in as president, President Joe Biden immediately rejoined the Paris Climate Accord with the stroke of his pen. Tracy Raczek, former Climate Advisor to the UN Secretary General, believes signing the Accord can be a job-creator in the U.S. Listen to Tracy explain why and much more in this fascinating interview on Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.

Gov’t Data Affects Your Life – Olivia Martin,

From government funding allocations to cities and states, or even to schools and communities, to how healthcare is administered and paid for, to how clean our air and water is, to how accountable police, gun owners, courts or immigration officials really are – and especially today in the midst of a pandemic – our lives literally depend upon the accuracy of this data. But try to make sense of it! Enter former CEO Steve Ballmer’s new website to the rescue. Listen to my enlightening interview with Olivia Martin, a data analyst at, to learn about their collection and analysis processes.

The Economic Crisis’ Impact on Women – Heather Long, Washington Post Senior Economic Reporter

“Women are being hit disproportionately hard, because they hold disproportionately more of the jobs being shutdown and (still) have the lion’s share of family responsibilities….The industries hit hard by this crisis are healthcare, social care, education, restaurants, cleaning services, personal care and clothing stores, and the front lines of them are dominated by women.” Joan Michelson’s Forbes Blog. Listen to Heather Long, Washington Post give us the real facts and suggestions for moving forward in this fascinating interview on Green Connections Radio podcast with host Joan Michelson.