Abu Dhabi Renewable Energy – Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Director, Masdar Sustainability

Meet a remarkable woman playing a leading role in the clean energy revolution in the heart of oil country: Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany is Director of Sustainability at Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s  renewable energy company and Director of the prestigious Zayed Future Energy Prize while also teaching as an adjunct professor at Masdar’s Institute of Science and… Continue reading Abu Dhabi Renewable Energy – Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Director, Masdar Sustainability

Earth Day and Data Science – Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network

“It’s really about voting…Commit to the greenest candidate you can. Period. For any office. Board of supervisors. School boards. Mayors. City Councils. Tweet at candidates. It’s all about politics. We’ve got the technology. We’ve got the capacity We have brilliant people, but…It’s about voting.” Kathleen Rogers Wow! It’s been 50 years since the first Earth… Continue reading Earth Day and Data Science – Kathleen Rogers, President of Earth Day Network

‘Sustainable Stylist’ – Laura Jones, The Frontlash Magazine on Sustainable Fashion

“(T)here’s an enormous opportunity to talk about sustainability and environmentalism in a way that captures the imagination of an everyday consumer or an everyday fashion lover and find a way to make it exciting and interesting and accessible.“ Laura Jones Celebrity stylist Laura Jones found herself overwhelmed when she realized the field she had dedicated… Continue reading ‘Sustainable Stylist’ – Laura Jones, The Frontlash Magazine on Sustainable Fashion

Holiday, School Shopping? Sustainable Fashion – Annie Gullingsrud, Cradle to Cradle Innovation Institute

Annie Gullingsrud

Buying Clothing With an Eco-Consciousness “85% of disposable apparel ends up in a landfill,” Annie Gullingsrud, Cradle to Cradle Innovation Institute Think of all the stuff that you’re buying for back-to-school this time of year…or new fashions for the fall season… What if you bought even 10 percent of it with sustainable clothing? Is it… Continue reading Holiday, School Shopping? Sustainable Fashion – Annie Gullingsrud, Cradle to Cradle Innovation Institute

Comedy & Innovation! Courtney Bickert, Comedienne & Social Innovator, Formerly at UN Foundation

“Comedy loosens the brain. It generates creativity. There’s something physiologically that happens in our brains. We stop thinking linearly and start thinking non-linearly when we hear jokes, when we try to tell jokes.” Courtney Bickert And now for something different….To solve today’s most intractable problems – from climate change to inequality to combating terrorism and… Continue reading Comedy & Innovation! Courtney Bickert, Comedienne & Social Innovator, Formerly at UN Foundation

Adapting to Climate Change – Beth Gibbons, Adaptation Professionals

“We now have an appetite for intervention. There’s a willingness because we are all at a point where the impacts are being felt so broadly…The urgency is being met with a will to act.” Beth Gibbons Local leaders are managing the very real devastation to their communities and economies caused by extreme weather events, while… Continue reading Adapting to Climate Change – Beth Gibbons, Adaptation Professionals

Managing Creativity – Deborah Rutter, President, John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts

“You have to give up a little bit of control in that (creative) process….it is an iterative process and allowing people to be as creative and crazy as you possibly could imagine and then noticing when there was really a fantastic moment that we all had to say, ‘Ah-ha! that’s it, let’s go there.’” Deborah… Continue reading Managing Creativity – Deborah Rutter, President, John F. Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts

Fuel Cell Cars & Trucks – Jackie Birdsall, Toyota

Many voices are talking about how we need to rebuild the post-pandemic economy to also make us more resilient to the ravages of climate change.  Ramping up adoption of electric vehicles is always in those conversations, especially battery-powered ones. But not there are hydrogen fuel cell EVs too. Listen to Jackie Birdsall, Senior Engineer of these vehicles at Toyota explain how they work and much more, with Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson.

Climate & Your Food – Robin Currey, Sustainable Food Systems Program at Prescott College

As we face climate week at the U.N. this week, one of the more delicate issues is the threat that climate change poses to our food supply and in turn, the way our current food systems exacerbate climate change. You’ll learn about: • how the current way we get our food – our food systems – can make climate change worse.; • how climate change is endangering our food supply; • the facts about “organic” foods and how they can help the rest of the food supply; • 3 tips for eating to aid mitigation of climate change (instead of make it worse).
• And great career tips!

Sustainability & Profitability – Suzanne Fallender, Sustainability Director, Intel

What if corporations took their responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint and as corporate citizens seriously and integrated it into their corporate strategies? That’s exactly what Suzanne Fallender, Director of Sustainability at Intel told Green Connections Radio host Joan Michelson they are doing. From reducing energy and water use, eliminating the use of conflict minerals, to finding ways to recycle or reuse almost every by-product or waste material, she said Intel is leading industry. Listen to how they do it – profitably!